アルゴンヌ研究所で開発された技術は、溶融塩の候補を絞り込むのに役立つことが実証された。 Technology developed at Argonne can help narrow the field of candidates for molten salts, a new study demonstrates.
2022-12-15 アルゴンヌ国立研究所(ANL)
どの溶融塩の設計図が、原子炉に求められる特性を実現できるのか。潜在的なバリエーションはほぼ無限大です。この研究では、アルゴンヌにあるDOE Office of Scienceのユーザー施設、Advanced Photon Source(APS)で、機械学習によるコンピューターシミュレーションが実世界の実験を導き、改良できるかどうかを確認することを目的としています。その結果は、最近、Physical Review B誌に掲載されました。
- https://www.anl.gov/article/hot-salt-clean-energy-how-artificial-intelligence-can-enhance-advanced-nuclear-reactors
- https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.106.014209
高エネルギーX線回折で検証したLiCl-KCl溶融塩の組成伝達型機械学習ポテンシャル Composition-transferable machine learning potential for LiCl-KCl molten salts validated by high-energy x-ray diffraction
Jicheng Guo, Logan Ward, Yadu Babuji, Nathaniel Hoyt, Mark Williamson, Ian Foster, Nicholas Jackson, Chris Benmore, and Ganesh Sivaraman
Physical Review B Published 22 July 2022
Unraveling the liquid structure of multicomponent molten salts is challenging due to the difficulty in conducting and interpreting high-temperature diffraction experiments. Motivated by this challenge, we developed composition-transferable Gaussian approximation potential (GAP) for molten LiCl-KCl. A DFT-SCAN accurate GAP is active-learned from only ∼1100 training configurations drawn from 10 unique mixture compositions enriched with metadynamics. The GAP-computed structures show strong agreement across high-energy x-ray diffraction experiments, including for a eutectic not explicitly included in model training, thereby opening the possibility of composition discovery.