チベット高原の水貯蔵に関するこれまでで最も包括的な研究では、緩やかな気候政策シナリオの下、今世紀半ばまでにアジアの一部の淡水貯蔵量が劇的に失われることが予測されています。 Most comprehensive study to date on water storage in Tibetan Plateau projects dramatic losses of freshwater storage in parts of Asia by mid-century under modest climate policy scenario
2022-08-15 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)
今後数十年間、化石燃料の燃焼を有意に抑制できない “通常通り “のシナリオでは、チベット高原の下流域で利用できる水の量が大幅に、つまりほぼ100%失われることが予想される。
- https://www.psu.edu/news/earth-and-mineral-sciences/story/irreversible-declines-freshwater-storage-projected-parts-asia-2060/
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-022-01443-0
気候変動がチベット高原の陸上貯水量を脅かす Climate change threatens terrestrial water storage over the Tibetan Plateau
Xueying Li,Di Long,Bridget R. Scanlon,Michael E. Mann,Xingdong Li,Fuqiang Tian,Zhangli Sun & Guangqian Wang
Nature Climate Change Published:15 August 2022
Terrestrial water storage (TWS) over the Tibetan Plateau, a major global water tower, is crucial in determining water transport and availability to a large downstream Asian population. Climate change impacts on historical and future TWS changes, however, are not well quantified. Here we used bottom-up and top-down approaches to quantify a significant TWS decrease (10.2 Gt yr–1) over the Tibetan Plateau in recent decades (2002–2017), reflecting competing effects of glacier retreat, lake expansion and subsurface water loss. Despite the weakened trends in projected TWS, it shows large declines under a mid-range carbon emissions scenario by the mid-twenty-first century. Excess water-loss projections for the Amu Darya and Indus basins present a critical water resource threat, indicating declines of 119% and 79% in water-supply capacity, respectively. Our study highlights these two hotspots as being at risk from climate change, informing adaptation strategies for these highly vulnerable regions.