私の量子ビットはどこ?(Hey! Where’s my qubit?)


2024-12-18 サンディア国立研究所(SNL)

サンディア国立研究所とニューメキシコ大学の研究者たちは、量子コンピューターにおける中性原子の「漏洩エラー」を検出する新たな方法を開発しました。 この手法は、原子の量子状態を乱すことなく、原子の消失を93.4%の精度で検出できます。これにより、量子計算中のデータ破損や計算エラーの原因となる原子の消失を特定し、修正することが可能となります。この技術は、量子コンピューターの信頼性と性能向上に寄与し、将来的な量子技術の発展に重要な役割を果たすと期待されています。


中性原子量子プロセッサーにおける回路ベースのリークから消去への変換に成功 Circuit-Based Leakage-to-Erasure Conversion in a Neutral-Atom Quantum Processor

Matthew N. H. Chow, Vikas Buchemmavari, Sivaprasad Omanakuttan, Bethany J. Little, Saurabh Pandey, Ivan H. Deutsch, and Yuan-Yu Jau
PRX Quantum  Published 16 December, 2024

私の量子ビットはどこ?(Hey! Where’s my qubit?)


Atom-loss errors are a major limitation of current state-of-the-art neutral-atom quantum computers and pose a significant challenge for scalable systems. In a quantum processor with cesium atoms, we demonstrate proof-of-principle circuit-based conversion of this form of leakage error to erasure errors via leakage-detection units (LDUs), which nondestructively map information about the presence or absence of the qubit onto the state of an ancilla. We benchmark the performance of the LDU using a three-outcome low-loss state-detection method and find that the LDU detects atom-loss errors with approximately 93.4% accuracy, limited by technical imperfections of our apparatus. We further compile and execute a swap LDU, wherein the roles of the original data atom and ancilla atom are exchanged under the action of the LDU, providing “free refilling” of atoms in the case of atom loss. This circuit-based leakage-to-erasure error conversion is a critical component of a neutral-atom quantum processor where the quantum information may significantly outlive the lifetime of any individual atom in the quantum register. Finally, we demonstrate that LDUs may also be used to handle other forms of leakage errors where population moves to states outside of the computational subspace.
