デルフト工科大学、自動運転車の社会的走行を支援する新モデルを開発(Merging like a human: TU Delft develops new model to help self-driving cars drive socially)


2024-11-04 オランダ・デルフト工科大学(TUDelft)

デルフト工科大学(TU Delft)の研究者は、自己中心的か協調的かといった人間の運転者の社会的行動を評価し、それに基づいて自動運転車が他の車両の行動を予測し、より安全に運転できる新しいモデルを開発しました。このモデルは、車線変更や合流などの状況で他の車両の行動を25%精度向上させることが確認されています。この技術は、自動運転車が人間の運転者とより自然に相互作用し、交通の安全性と効率性を高めることを目指しています。


ダイアド合流の相互作用モデルにより、制御入力から意思決定までの人間のドライバーの行動が説明できる A model of dyadic merging interactions explains human drivers’ behavior from control inputs to decisions

Olger Siebinga, Arkady Zgonnikov, David A Abbink
PNAS Nexus  Published:24 September 2024

デルフト工科大学、自動運転車の社会的走行を支援する新モデルを開発(Merging like a human: TU Delft develops new model to help self-driving cars drive socially)


Safe and socially acceptable interactions with human-driven vehicles are a major challenge in automated driving. A good understanding of the underlying principles of such traffic interactions could help address this challenge. Particularly, accurate driver models could be used to inform automated vehicles in interactions. These interactions entail complex dynamic joint behaviors composed of individual driver contributions in terms of high-level decisions, safety margins, and low-level control inputs. Existing driver models typically focus on one of these aspects, limiting our understanding of the underlying principles of traffic interactions. Here, we present a Communication-Enabled Interaction model based on risk perception, that does not assume humans are rational and explicitly accounts for communication between drivers. Our model can explain and reproduce observed human interactions in a simplified merging scenario on all three levels. Thereby improving our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of human traffic interactions and posing a step towards interaction-aware automated driving.
