トロットロボットが動物の歩行の変遷を明らかにする(Trotting robots reveal emergence of animal gait transitions)


2024-04-30 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)

EPFLのBioRobotics研究室が主導する研究により、深層強化学習を用いた四足歩行ロボットが、14-30cmの隙間がある困難な地形を横断する際に、トロット(速歩)からプロンキング(跳躍する歩行)へと歩行を切り替える学習を達成しました。この研究は、動物の歩行変化がなぜどのように起こるかに新たな洞察を提供しています。「Nature Communications」に発表された論文では、これまでのエネルギー効率や筋骨格損傷回避の理論に加え、転倒回避のための歩行変更が重要であることが示されました。


困難な地形での俊敏な四足歩行運動学習において、生存可能性が歩行遷移の出現につながる Viability leads to the emergence of gait transitions in learning agile quadrupedal locomotion on challenging terrains

Milad Shafiee,Guillaume Bellegarda & Auke Ijspeert
Nature Communications  Published:09 April 2024

トロットロボットが動物の歩行の変遷を明らかにする(Trotting robots reveal emergence of animal gait transitions)


Quadruped animals are capable of seamless transitions between different gaits. While energy efficiency appears to be one of the reasons for changing gaits, other determinant factors likely play a role too, including terrain properties. In this article, we propose that viability, i.e., the avoidance of falls, represents an important criterion for gait transitions. We investigate the emergence of gait transitions through the interaction between supraspinal drive (brain), the central pattern generator in the spinal cord, the body, and exteroceptive sensing by leveraging deep reinforcement learning and robotics tools. Consistent with quadruped animal data, we show that the walk-trot gait transition for quadruped robots on flat terrain improves both viability and energy efficiency. Furthermore, we investigate the effects of discrete terrain (i.e., crossing successive gaps) on imposing gait transitions, and find the emergence of trot-pronk transitions to avoid non-viable states. Viability is the only improved factor after gait transitions on both flat and discrete gap terrains, suggesting that viability could be a primary and universal objective of gait transitions, while other criteria are secondary objectives and/or a consequence of viability. Moreover, our experiments demonstrate state-of-the-art quadruped robot agility in challenging scenarios.
