荷電粒子の解明が星の元素生成のシミュレーションに役立つ(Understanding Charged Particles Helps Physicists Simulate Element Creation in Stars)


2023-11-27 ノースカロライナ州立大学(NCState)



周期箱における荷電粒子の結合状態 Charged-Particle Bound States in Periodic Boxes

Hang Yu, Sebastian König, and Dean Lee
Physical Review Letters  Published: 21 November 2023

荷電粒子の解明が星の元素生成のシミュレーションに役立つ(Understanding Charged Particles Helps Physicists Simulate Element Creation in Stars)


We consider the binding energy of a two-body system with a repulsive Coulomb interaction in a finite periodic volume. We define the finite-volume Coulomb potential as the usual Coulomb potential, except that the distance is defined as the shortest separation between the two bodies in the periodic volume. We investigate this problem in one and three-dimensional periodic boxes and derive the asymptotic behavior of the volume dependence for bound states with zero angular momentum in terms of Whittaker functions. We benchmark our results against numerical calculations and show how the method can be used to extract asymptotic normalization coefficients for charged-particle bound states. The results we derive here have immediate applications for calculations of atomic nuclei in finite periodic volumes for the case where the leading finite-volume correction is associated with two charged clusters.
