ココスプレートの下にある2000万年にわたる「ホットスポット」マグマティズムを科学者が解明(Scientists Unearth 20 Million Years of ‘Hot Spot’ Magmatism Under Cocos Plate)


2023-06-16 ジョージア工科大学

◆10年前、Samer Naifは地球のマントルの中で予想外の発見をしました。Cocosプレートの海底から約60キロメートルの深さに、マグマで満たされた狭いポケットがあることが示されました。これにより、テクトニックプレートが部分融解によって滑りやすくなる仕組みが説明されました。


遠位プルーム起源の長寿命メルトチャネルに供給されるエピソード型プレート内マグマティズム Episodic intraplate magmatism fed by a long-lived melt channel of distal plume origin

Samer Naif,Nathaniel C. Miller,Donna J. Shillington,Anne Bécel,Daniel Lizarralde,Dan Basset and Sidney R. Hemming
Science Advances  Published:9 Jun 2023

ココスプレートの下にある2000万年にわたる「ホットスポット」マグマティズムを科学者が解明(Scientists Unearth 20 Million Years of ‘Hot Spot’ Magmatism Under Cocos Plate)


In the past decade, marine geophysical observations have led to the discovery of thin channels at the base of oceanic plates with anomalous physical properties that indicate the presence of low-degree partial melts. However, mantle melts are buoyant and should migrate toward the surface. We show abundant observations of widespread intraplate magmatism on the Cocos Plate where a thin partial melt channel was imaged at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary. We combine existing geophysical, geochemical, and seafloor drilling results with seismic reflection data and radiometric dating of drill cores to constrain the origin, distribution, and timing of this magmatism. Our synthesis indicates that the sublithospheric channel is a regionally extensive (>100,000 km2) and long-lived feature that originated from the Galápagos Plume more than 20 Ma ago, supplying melt for multiple magmatic events and persisting today. Plume-fed melt channels may be widespread and long-lived sources for intraplate magmatism and mantle metasomatism.
