火星探査機「パーセバランス」が地質学と水の歴史に関する重要な手がかりを発見(Perseverance rover retrieves key clues to Mars’ geologic and water history)


2022-08-25 カリフォルニア大学バークレー校(UCB)



火星ジェゼロクレーターの底で採取された水性変質した火成岩 Aqueously altered igneous rocks sampled on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars

K. A. Farley,K. M. Stack ,D. L. Shuster ,B. H. N. Horgan ,J. A. Hurowitz ,J. D. Tarnas ,J. I. Simon,V. Z. Sun ,E. L. Scheller ,K. R. Moore,S. M. McLennan ,P. M. Vasconcelos,R. C. Wiens ,A. H. Treiman ,L. E. Mayhew ,O. Beyssac ,T. V. Kizovski ,N. J. Tosca ,K. H. Williford,L. S. Crumpler ,L. W. Beegle ,J. F. Bell III ,B. L. Ehlmann ,Y. Liu ,J. N. Maki ,M. E. Schmidt ,A. C. Allwood,H. E. F. Amundsen,R. Bhartia ,T. Bosak ,A. J. Brown ,B. C. Clark ,A. Cousin ,O. Forni ,T. S. J. Gabriel ,Y. Goreva ,S. Gupta ,S.-E. Hamran ,C. D. K. Herd ,K. Hickman-Lewis ,J. R. Johnson ,L. C. Kah ,P. B. Kelemen ,K. B. Kinch ,L. Mandon ,N. Mangold ,C. Quantin-Nataf ,M. S. Rice ,P. S. Russell,S. Sharma ,S. Siljeström ,A. Steele ,R. Sullivan ,M. Wadhwa ,B. P. Weiss ,A. J. Williams ,B. V. Wogsland ,P. A. Willis ,T. A. Acosta-Maeda,P. Beck ,K. Benzerara ,S. Bernard ,A. S. Burton ,E. L. Cardarelli ,B. Chide ,E. Clavé ,E. A. Cloutis ,B. A. Cohen ,A. D. Czaja ,V. Debaille,E. Dehouck ,A. G. Fairén ,D. T. Flannery ,S. Z. Fleron ,T. Fouchet ,J. Frydenvang ,B. J. Garczynski ,E. F. Gibbons ,E. M. Hausrath ,A. G. Hayes ,J. Henneke ,J. L. Jørgensen ,E. M. Kelly ,J. Lasue ,S. Le Mouélic ,J. M. Madariaga ,S. Maurice ,M. Merusi ,P.-Y. Meslin ,S. M. Milkovich,C. C. Million ,R. C. Moeller,J. I. Núñez ,A. M. Ollila ,G. Paar ,D. A. Paige,D. A. K. Pedersen ,P. Pilleri ,C. Pilorget ,P. C. Pinet,J. W. Rice Jr.,C. Royer ,V. Sautter,M. Schulte ,M. A. Sephton ,S. K. Sharma ,S. F. Sholes ,N. Spanovich ,M. St. Clair ,C. D. Tate,K. Uckert ,S. J. VanBommel ,A. G. Yanchilina ,M.-P. Zorzano
Science  Published:25 Aug 2022
DOI: 10.1126/science.abo2196

火星探査機「パーセバランス」が地質学と水の歴史に関する重要な手がかりを発見(Perseverance rover retrieves key clues to Mars’ geologic and water history)


Compositionally and density stratified igneous terrain in Jezero crater, Mars


Ground penetrating radar observations of subsurface structures in the floor of Jezero crater, Mars


The Perseverance rover landed in Jezero crater, Mars, to investigate ancient lake and river deposits. We report observations of the crater floor, below the crater’s sedimentary delta, finding the floor consists of igneous rocks altered by water. The lowest exposed unit, informally named Séítah, is a coarsely crystalline olivine-rich rock, which accumulated at the base of a magma body. Fe-Mg carbonates along grain boundaries indicate reactions with CO2-rich water, under water-poor conditions. Overlying Séítah is a unit informally named Máaz, which we interpret as lava flows or the chemical complement to Séítah in a layered igneous body. Voids in these rocks contain sulfates and perchlorates, likely introduced by later near-surface brine evaporation. Core samples of these rocks were stored aboard Perseverance for potential return to Earth.

火星ジェゼロクレーターの底にあるカンラン石積みの露頭 An olivine cumulate outcrop on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars

Y. Liu,M. M. Tice ,M. E. Schmidt ,A. H. Treiman,T. V. Kizovski ,J. A. Hurowitz ,A. C. Allwood,J. Henneke ,D. A. K. Pedersen ,S. J. VanBommel ,M. W. M. Jones,A. L. Knight ,B. J. Orenstein ,B. C. Clark ,W. T. Elam,C. M. Heirwegh,T. Barber,L. W. Beegle ,K. Benzerara ,S. Bernard,O. Beyssac,T. Bosak ,A. J. Brown ,E. L. Cardarelli ,D. C. Catling ,J. R. Christian ,E. A. Cloutis ,B. A. Cohen ,S. Davidoff ,A. G. Fairén ,K. A. Farley,D. T. Flannery ,A. Galvin,J. P. Grotzinger ,S. Gupta ,J. Hall ,C. D. K. Herd ,K. Hickman-Lewis ,R. P. Hodyss ,B. H. N. Horgan ,J. R. Johnson ,J. L. Jørgensen ,L. C. Kah ,J. N. Maki ,L. Mandon ,N. Mangold ,F. M. McCubbin ,S. M. McLennan ,K. Moore,M. Nachon ,P. Nemere,L. D. Nothdurft ,J. I. Núñez ,L. O’Neil ,C. M. Quantin-Nataf,V. Sautter,D. L Shuster,K. L. Siebach ,J. I. Simon ,K. P. Sinclair ,K. M. Stack ,A. Steele ,J. D. Tarnas ,N. J. Tosca ,K. Uckert ,A. Udry ,L. A. Wade,B. P. Weiss ,R. C. Wiens ,K. H. Williford,M.-P. Zorzano
Science  Published:25 Aug 2022
DOI: 10.1126/science.abo2756


Compositionally and density stratified igneous terrain in Jezero crater, Mars


Ground penetrating radar observations of subsurface structures in the floor of Jezero crater, Mars


The geological units on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars, are part of a wider regional stratigraphy of olivine-rich rocks, which extends well beyond the crater. We investigate the petrology of olivine and carbonate-bearing rocks of the Séítah formation in the floor of Jezero. Using multispectral images and x-ray fluorescence data, acquired by the Perseverance rover, we performed a petrographic analysis of the Bastide and Brac outcrops within this unit. We find that these outcrops are composed of igneous rock, moderately altered by aqueous fluid. The igneous rocks are mainly made of coarse-grained olivine, similar to some Martian meteorites. We interpret them as an olivine cumulate, formed by settling and enrichment of olivine through multi-stage cooling of a thick magma body.
