氷河期後の急激な海面上昇の再構築研究(New research helps reconstruct sudden, dramatic sea level rise after last ice age)


2025-03-24 ブラウン大学

ブラウン大学の研究チームは、約14,500年前の急激な海面上昇「Meltwater Pulse 1a」の原因となった氷床の融解パターンを再構築しました。この研究では、北米のローレンタイド氷床の融解が引き金となり、ユーラシアや西南極の氷床融解を引き起こす、全球的な氷床融解の連鎖が明らかになりました。この成果は、現代のグリーンランドや西南極の氷床安定性と将来の海面上昇予測に重要な示唆を与えます。


メルトンパルス1A海面上昇パターンは氷の世界的カスケード消失で説明できる Meltwater Pulse 1A sea-level-rise patterns explained by global cascade of ice loss

Allie N. Coonin,Harriet C. P. Lau & Sophie Coulson
Nature Geoscience  Published:18 February 2025

氷河期後の急激な海面上昇の再構築研究(New research helps reconstruct sudden, dramatic sea level rise after last ice age)


Over the last deglaciation, global sea level rose by ~120–130 m, 10–20 m of which was attributed to a singular, catastrophic event known as Meltwater Pulse 1A (MWP-1A) that spanned at most 500 years approximately 14.6 kyr ago. Given data limitations and simplified models of Earth deformation, previous studies have struggled to determine the ice sources responsible for MWP-1A, its timing and, consequently, the impacts on global climate. With the expansion of palaeo sea-level records and growing consensus that more complex Earth deformation occurs over MWP-1A timescales, revisiting MWP-1A is timely. Here we resolve a sequence of ice loss over MWP-1A using a spatiotemporal sea-level fingerprinting approach constrained by temporal variations across sea-level data that fully models transient viscoelastic deformation, resulting in a space–time melt evolution. Our favoured sequence of ice sheet melting begins with the Laurentide contributing ~3 m (~14.6–14.2 kyr ago), followed by Eurasia and West Antarctica contributing ~7 m and ~5 m, respectively (~14.35–14.2 kyr ago). This scenario is consistent with proxy data that suggest a minimal Laurentide contribution and large retreat of the Eurasian Ice Sheet Complex. Our MWP-1A ice evolution demands the revision of global ice histories and illustrates deformation feedbacks that are relevant for modern ice collapse and sea-level rise.
