2025-03-18 カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校
A new image of the cosmic microwave background radiation, adding high definition from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope to an earlier image from the Planck satellite. The zoom-in is 10 degrees across, or twenty times the Moon’s width seen from Earth, and shows a tiny portion of the new half-sky image. Orange and blue show more or less intense radiation, revealing features in the density of the universe when it was less than half a million years old – a time before any galaxies had formed. The image includes closer-by objects: the red band on the right is the Milky Way, and the red dots are galaxies containing vast black holes, the blue dots are huge galaxy clusters, and the spiral Sculptor Galaxy is visible towards the bottom. Credit: ACT Collaboration; ESA/Planck Collaboration.