浅い湖での溶存有機物組成と活性酸素生成の関連を解明 (Researchers Reveal Link between Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Reactive Oxygen Species Photogeneration in Shallow Lakes)


2025-03-13 中国科学院(CAS)

中国科学院の武漢植物園の研究チームは、異なる栄養状態を持つ7つの浅い湖の溶存有機物(DOM)を分析し、DOMの組成と活性酸素種(ROS)の光生成との関連性を明らかにしました。 研究では、光学的および質量分析技術を用いて、湖の栄養状態が進むにつれてDOMの内因性特性が顕著になることが示されました。特に、軽度の富栄養湖のDOMは、中度および高度の富栄養湖と比較して、ROSの光生成能力が高いことが確認されました。さらに、リグニンや複雑な有機物(CRAM)様構造、芳香族化合物、タンニン、フルボ酸およびフミン酸様化合物などの特定のDOM化合物が、ROSの生成に寄与していることが明らかになりました。これらの発見は、水生生態系におけるROS生成に関連する生態学的および環境的リスクの評価に新たな視点を提供します。


栄養状態の異なる浅い湖沼における溶存有機物の特性と活性酸素種の正味の光発生能に関する洞察 Insight into the characterization of dissolved organic matter in shallow lakes with different trophic states and their net photo-generation capacity of reactive oxygen species

Xiaolu Li, Zhen Hu, Minli Guo, Guanglong Liu, Jiong Gao, Wei Xing
Water Research  Available online: 31 January 2025

Graphical abstract

浅い湖での溶存有機物組成と活性酸素生成の関連を解明 (Researchers Reveal Link between Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Reactive Oxygen Species Photogeneration in Shallow Lakes)


  • Proportion of endogenous compounds in DOM increased with trophic states of lakes.
  • DOM in lower trophic state lakes had higher net photo-generation capacity of ROS.
  • Unique DOM molecular in moderate- and hyper-eutrophic lakes had lower DBE and O/C.
  • Humification and aromaticity of DOM increased net photo-generation capacity of ROS.


Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are ubiquitous in the aquatic environment, and they are closely related to several biogeochemical processes. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is one of the main photosensitizers involved in the formation of ROS and it also serves as a sink for ROS by involving in scavenging, quenching, and antioxidant reactions. The net effect of these processes depends on the concentration, source, and composition of the DOM. Current studies have mainly focused on the steady-state concentration of reactive oxygen species ([ROS]ss) produced by the total DOM in lakes with different trophic states and ignored the net photo-generation capacity of ROS ([ROS]DOM, the net steady concentration of ROS generated per unit mass of DOM), leading to a vague understanding of the photochemical properties of DOM in aquatic systems, especially in shallow lakes with different trophic states. In this study, the optical composition of DOM was determined with optical characterization, such as specific UV–Vis and excitation-emission matrices with fluorescence regional integration (FRI-EEMs), and its molecular characteristics were analyzed by Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS). The results revealed that DOM in lakes with different trophic states had mixed endogenous and exogenous characteristics, accompanied by an increasing trend in endogenous characteristics with the increasing trophic state of lakes. Spectroscopic probes were used to detect the steady-state concentration of ROS and further calculate the [ROS]DOM, such as [3DOM*]DOM, [OH]DOM, [1O2]DOM and [O2.-]DOM. The results indicated that the [ROS]DOM in lakes with light-eutrophic states was significantly higher than that in lakes with moderate-eutrophic and hyper-eutrophic states, which indicated that the DOM in lower trophic state lakes has a higher net photo-generation capacity of ROS. Pearson analysis results showed that [3DOM*]DOM, [OH]DOM, [1O2]DOM and [O2.-]DOM had a significant positive correlation with lignin/CRAMs-like, aromatic, and tannin compounds, as well as the fluorescence components, fulvic- and humic-like substances and the UV–Vis indicator: SUVA254 revealed that DOM with higher humification and aromaticity had a higher net photo-generation capacity of ROS in different trophic state lakes. In addition, the molecular uniqueness of the DOM was dominated by lignin/CRAMs-like and aromatic compounds, which were positively correlated with [ROS]DOM, in the following order: [3DOM*]DOM > [OH]DOM > [1O2]DOM > [O2.-]DOM. This study emphasizes the importance of focusing on the source, composition, and net photo-generation capacity of ROS by DOM, which would help evaluate the photochemical potential and other behaviors of DOM in lakes with different trophic states and provide guidance for the risk assessment of DOM input from different sources.
