新しいナノスケール技術で量子材料の秘密を解明 (New nanoscale technique unlocks quantum material secrets)


2025-02-18 アルゴンヌ国立研究所 (ANL)



量子常誘電体におけるサブテラヘルツ原子振動を表面敏感スピントロニックテラヘルツ分光で明らかにする Revealing subterahertz atomic vibrations in quantum paraelectrics by surface-sensitive spintronic terahertz spectroscopy

Zhaodong Chu, Junyi Yang, Yan Li, Kyle Hwangbo, […], and Haidan Wen
Science Advances  Published:29 Nov 2024

新しいナノスケール技術で量子材料の秘密を解明 (New nanoscale technique unlocks quantum material secrets)


Understanding surface collective dynamics in quantum materials is crucial for advancing quantum technologies. For example, surface phonon modes in quantum paraelectrics are thought to be essential in facilitating interfacial superconductivity. However, detecting these modes, especially below 1 terahertz, is challenging because of limited sampling volumes and the need for high spectroscopic resolution. Here, we report surface soft transverse optical (TO1) phonon dynamics in KTaO3 and SrTiO3 by surface-sensitive spintronic terahertz spectroscopy that can sense the collective modes only a few nanometers deep from the surface. In KTaO3, the TO1 mode softens and sharpens with decreasing temperature, leveling off at 0.7 terahertz. In contrast, this mode in SrTiO3 broadens substantially below the quantum paraelectric crossover and coincides with the hardening of a sub–milli–electron volt phonon mode related to the antiferrodistortive transition. These observations that deviate from their bulk properties may have implications for interfacial superconductivity and ferroelectricity. The developed technique opens opportunities for sensing low-energy surface collective excitations.
