リチウムイオン電池のリサイクルに関する論文を発表(WPI Professor Yan Wang Publishes Article on Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling in the inaugural Nature Reviews Clean Technology)


2025-01-16 ウースター工科大学(WPI)

ウスター工科大学(WPI)のYan Wang教授が、リチウムイオン電池のリサイクルに関する包括的レビューを「Nature Reviews Clean Technology」の創刊号に発表しました。記事では、電気自動車やエネルギー貯蔵システムの需要増加に伴い、リサイクル技術の効率化が急務であると強調されています。従来の手法では主にカソード材料に焦点が当てられていましたが、新技術ではアノード材料や電解質、バインダー、セパレーターまでリサイクル対象が拡大されています。Wang教授は、自動化されたバッテリー分解ラインを設計するための産業界間の協力が、持続可能なリサイクル生態系の構築に不可欠であると述べています。


リチウムイオン電池リサイクルの進化 The evolution of lithium-ion battery recycling

Xiaotu Ma,Zifei Meng,Marilena Velonia Bellonia,Jeffrey Spangenberger,Gavin Harper,Eric Gratz,Elsa Olivetti,Renata Arsenault & Yan Wang
Nature Reviews Clean Technology  Published:15 January 2025

リチウムイオン電池のリサイクルに関する論文を発表(WPI Professor Yan Wang Publishes Article on Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling in the inaugural Nature Reviews Clean Technology)


Demand for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) is increasing owing to the expanding use of electrical vehicles and stationary energy storage. Efficient and closed-loop battery recycling strategies are therefore needed, which will require recovering materials from spent LIBs and reintegrating them into new batteries. In this Review, we outline the current state of LIB recycling, evaluating industrial and developing technologies. Among industrial technologies, pyrometallurgy can be broadly applied to diverse electrode materials but requires operating temperatures of over 1,000 °C and therefore has high energy consumption. Hydrometallurgy can be performed at temperatures below 200 °C and has material recovery rates of up to 93% for lithium, nickel and cobalt, but it produces large amounts of wastewater. Developing technologies such as direct recycling and upcycling aim to increase the efficiency of LIB recycling and rely on improved pretreatment processes with automated disassembly and cleaner mechanical separation. Additionally, the range of materials recovered from spent LIBs is expanding from the cathode materials recycled with established methods to include anode materials, electrolytes, binders, separators and current collectors. Achieving an efficient recycling ecosystem will require collaboration between recyclers, battery manufacturers and electric vehicle manufacturers to aid the design and automation of battery disassembly lines.
