宇宙初期に関する手がかりを提供する希少な矮小銀河 (Ghost towns of the universe: Ultra-faint, rare dwarf galaxies offer clues to the early cosmos)


2025-01-15 アリゾナ大学

アリゾナ大学の研究チームは、NGC 300銀河近傍で3つの超微弱矮小銀河(Sculptor A, B, C)を発見しました。これらの銀河は、初期宇宙の条件や星形成が停止した理由を探る重要な手がかりを提供します。発見には手作業による画像検索が用いられ、観測データから、これらの銀河にはガスがほとんど存在せず、非常に古い星だけが含まれていることが判明しました。この研究は、初期宇宙の再電離時代や超新星爆発が銀河ガスの喪失に与えた影響を明らかにする一助となることが期待されています。


NGC 300の方向にある3つのクエンチされた暗い矮小銀河:再電離と内部フィードバックの新たな研究対象 Three Quenched, Faint Dwarf Galaxies in the Direction of NGC 300: New Probes of Reionization and Internal Feedback

David J. Sand, Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil, Michael G. Jones, Ananthan Karunakaran, Jennifer E. Andrews, Paul Bennet, Denija Crnojević, Giuseppe Donatiello, Alex Drlica-Wagner, Catherine Fielder
The Astrophysical Journal Letters  Published: 2024 December 2

宇宙初期に関する手がかりを提供する希少な矮小銀河 (Ghost towns of the universe: Ultra-faint, rare dwarf galaxies offer clues to the early cosmos)


We report the discovery of three faint and ultrafaint dwarf galaxies—Sculptor A, Sculptor B, and Sculptor C—in the direction of NGC 300 (D = 2.0 Mpc), a Large Magellanic Cloud–mass galaxy. Deep ground-based imaging with Gemini/GMOS resolves all three dwarf galaxies into stars, each displaying a red giant branch indicative of an old, metal-poor stellar population. No young stars or H i gas are apparent, and the lack of a GALEX UV detection suggests that all three systems are quenched. Sculptor C (D = 2.04+0.10−0.13 Mpc; MV =  −9.1 ± 0.1 mag or LV = (3.7+0.4−0.3) × 105L) is consistent with being a satellite of NGC 300. Sculptor A (D = 1.35+0.22−0.08 Mpc; MV = −6.9 ± 0.3 mag or LV = (5+1−1) × 104L) is likely in the foreground of NGC 300 and at the extreme edge of the Local Group, analogous to the recently discovered ultrafaint Tucana B in terms of its physical properties and environment. Sculptor B (D = 2.48+0.21−0.24 Mpc; MV = −8.1 ± 0.3 mag or LV = (1.5+0.5−0.4) × 105L) is likely in the background, but future distance measurements are necessary to solidify this statement. It is also of interest due to its quiescent state and low stellar mass. Both Sculptor A and B are ≳2–4 rvir from NGC 300 itself. The discovery of three dwarf galaxies in isolated or low-density environments offers an opportunity to study the varying effects of ram-pressure stripping, reionization, and internal feedback in influencing the star formation history of the faintest stellar systems.
