AI国家安全保障タスクフォースのリスクテストに参加(PNNL Joins the Testing Risks of AI for National Security Taskforce)


2024-12-28 パシフィック・ノースウェスト国立研究所

AI国家安全保障タスクフォースのリスクテストに参加(PNNL Joins the Testing Risks of AI for National Security Taskforce)

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory(PNNL)は、人工知能(AI)の国家安全保障上のリスクを評価する新たなタスクフォースに参加しました。このタスクフォースは、AI技術の急速な進展に伴い、国家安全保障に対する潜在的な脅威を特定し、評価することを目的としています。PNNLは、AIのリスク評価と管理に関する専門知識を提供し、AIシステムの安全で信頼性の高い運用を確保するためのベストプラクティスの策定に貢献します。この取り組みは、AI技術の利点を最大限に活用しつつ、国家安全保障上のリスクを最小限に抑えることを目指しています。


仮想プライベートネットワーク接続のリスク分析 Analyzing Risks of Virtual Private Network Connections

Daggett D. 2024.
Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.


The use of Splunk for analyzing VPN logs is an effective approach for identifying vulnerabilities in network endpoints. Splunk, a powerful platform for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated data, enables organizations to aggregate VPN logs in real-time, providing insights into network activity, user behavior, and potential security risks. By indexing VPN traffic and authentication logs, security teams can track abnormal patterns such as multiple failed login attempts, unusual IP addresses, or unexpected changes in bandwidth usage, all of which could indicate potential vulnerabilities or breaches. With Splunk’s advanced search and reporting capabilities, users can create custom dashboards and alerts to detect suspicious activities. Automated searches can flag endpoints exhibiting unusual behavior, while correlation analysis can identify links between compromised devices and broader network vulnerabilities. In particular, Splunk’s machine learning capabilities can be leveraged to predict and prevent threats by identifying trends that might otherwise be missed in traditional log analysis. This proactive approach to monitoring VPN logs allows for the early detection of security weaknesses, enabling rapid response and minimizing potential damage to network integrity. By enhancing endpoint visibility, Splunk plays a crucial role in securing remote connections and safeguarding sensitive information. Additionally, Splunk’s automation and alerting features allow teams to create custom workflows that notify them of vulnerable or misconfigured endpoints identified through Shodan. This synergy between Splunk’s log analysis and Shodan’s device intelligence enhances an organization’s ability to proactively identify and mitigate security risks, improving the overall resilience of their VPN infrastructure.
