量子の重要な性質を定量化する統一的な方法を理論的に確立(Theoretical research establishes unified way to quantify vital quantum properties)


2024-09-05 ロードアイランド大学(URI)

URIのWenchao Ge助教授らは、量子力学の基本的性質である「重ね合わせ」と「絡み合い」を統一的に定量化する方法を理論研究で確立しました。これらの性質は量子コンピュータや量子通信などの量子情報処理に不可欠です。研究チームは「古典・非古典極性」という新しい測定方法を提案し、1粒子システムの重ね合わせと複数粒子の絡み合いを定量的に関連付けました。この研究は量子情報処理における新たな道を開き、今後の量子計算や量子センシングの応用に貢献する可能性があります。


ガウス状態の古典的・非古典的極性 Classical-Nonclassical Polarity of Gaussian States

Jiru Liu, Wenchao Ge, and M. Suhail Zubairy
Physical Review Letters  Published 13 June 2024

量子の重要な性質を定量化する統一的な方法を理論的に確立(Theoretical research establishes unified way to quantify vital quantum properties)


Gaussian states with nonclassical properties such as squeezing and entanglement serve as crucial resources for quantum information processing. Accurately quantifying these properties within multimode Gaussian states has posed some challenges. To address this, we introduce a unified quantification: the “classical-nonclassical polarity,” represented by . For a single mode, a positive value of captures the reduced minimum quadrature uncertainty below the vacuum noise, while a negative value represents an enlarged uncertainty due to classical mixtures. For multimode systems, a positive indicates bipartite quantum entanglement. We show that the sum of the total classical-nonclassical polarity is conserved under arbitrary linear optical transformations for any two-mode and three-mode Gaussian states. For any pure multimode Gaussian state, the total classical-nonclassical polarity equals the sum of the mean photon number from single-mode squeezing and two-mode squeezing. Our results provide a new perspective on the quantitative relation between single-mode nonclassicality and entanglement, which may find applications in a unified resource theory of nonclassical features.
