沿岸都市と気候変動への適応:進展と失敗(Coastal cities and adaptation to climate change: progress and failures)


2024-08-26 ミュンヘン大学(LMU)



世界の沿岸都市における気候変動への適応の進展とギャップ Progress and gaps in climate change adaptation in coastal cities across the globe

Mia Wannewitz,Idowu Ajibade,Katharine J. Mach,Alexandre Magnan,Jan Petzold,Diana Reckien,Nicola Ulibarri,Armen Agopian,Vasiliki I. Chalastani,Tom Hawxwell,Lam T. M. Huynh,Christine J. Kirchhoff,Rebecca Miller,Justice Issah Musah-Surugu,Gabriela Nagle Alverio,Miriam Nielsen,Abraham Marshall Nunbogu,Brian Pentz,Andrea Reimuth,Giulia Scarpa,Nadia Seeteram,Ivan Villaverde Canosa,Jingyao Zhou,The Global Adaptation Mapping Initiative Team &Matthias Garschagen
Nature Cities  Published:26 August 2024

沿岸都市と気候変動への適応:進展と失敗(Coastal cities and adaptation to climate change: progress and failures)


Coastal cities are at the frontlines of climate change impacts, resulting in an urgent need for substantial adaptation. To understand whether, and to what extent, cities are on track to prepare for climate risks, this paper systematically assesses the academic literature to evaluate evidence on climate change adaptation in 199 coastal cities worldwide. Results show that adaptation in coastal cities is rather slow, of narrow scope and not transformative. Adaptation measures are predominantly designed based on past and current—rather than future—patterns in hazards, exposure and vulnerability. City governments, particularly in high-income countries, are more likely to implement institutional and infrastructural responses, whereas coastal cities in lower-middle-income countries often rely on households to implement behavioral adaptation. There is comparatively little published knowledge on coastal urban adaptation in low- and middle-income countries, and regarding particular adaptation types such as ecosystem-based adaptation. These insights make an important contribution for tracking adaptation progress globally and help to identify entry points for improving adaptation of coastal cities in the future.
