大規模な言語モデルは、人間のようには振る舞わない(Large language models don’t behave like people, even though we may expect them to)


2024-07-23 マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)



大規模言語モデルは人間の期待通りに動作するか?人間の汎化関数を測定する Do Large Language Models Perform the Way People Expect? Measuring the Human Generalization Function

Keyon Vafa, Ashesh Rambachan, Sendhil Mullainathan
arXiv  Submitted on 3 Jun 2024

大規模な言語モデルは、人間のようには振る舞わない(Large language models don’t behave like people, even though we may expect them to)


What makes large language models (LLMs) impressive is also what makes them hard to evaluate: their diversity of uses. To evaluate these models, we must understand the purposes they will be used for. We consider a setting where these deployment decisions are made by people, and in particular, people’s beliefs about where an LLM will perform well. We model such beliefs as the consequence of a human generalization function: having seen what an LLM gets right or wrong, people generalize to where else it might succeed. We collect a dataset of 19K examples of how humans make generalizations across 79 tasks from the MMLU and BIG-Bench benchmarks. We show that the human generalization function can be predicted using NLP methods: people have consistent structured ways to generalize. We then evaluate LLM alignment with the human generalization function. Our results show that — especially for cases where the cost of mistakes is high — more capable models (e.g. GPT-4) can do worse on the instances people choose to use them for, exactly because they are not aligned with the human generalization function.
