ケージフリーの鶏はシラミが多い(Cage-free chickens are louse-y)


2024-07-17 カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校(UCR)

カリフォルニアなどでの放し飼いの鶏が高い確率でシラミに感染し、皮膚や血液を餌にされていることが判明しました。UCリバーサイドの研究では、鶏のシラミが皮膚病変を引き起こすことが初めて示されました。センサー「Fitbit for chickens」を使った観察で、シラミの感染が少数でも鶏の毛づくろい行動が大幅に増加することが確認されました。シラミは主に翼の下などの手が届きにくい場所に生息し、出血する病変を引き起こします。シラミ駆除の有効な対策は少なく、食用グレードの珪藻土が有望です。ムリーロ博士はシラミの経済的影響を測定する追加研究を計画しており、放し飼い鶏の健康と病気の関係についても調査したいと考えています。


ケージフリー飼育における低レベルの鶏体シラミ(Menacanthus stramineus)蔓延が鶏の福祉に及ぼす影響 Low levels of chicken body louse (Menacanthus stramineus) infestations affect chicken welfare in a cage-free housing system

Amy C. Murillo,Alireza Abdoli,Richard A. Blatchford,Eammon J. Keogh & Alec C. Gerry
Parasites & Vectors  Published:14 May 2024


The chicken body louse is an obligate ectoparasite of domestic chickens. Chicken body lice feed on feathers, and infestation with this louse is linked to decreases in egg production, hen weight, and feed conversion efficiency. However, it is unknown how chicken body lice impact egg-laying chickens in cage-free environments. Welfare and behavior metrics were collected from flocks of egg-laying chickens either infested with chicken body lice or left uninfested.

In two trials, two flocks of cage-free commercial egg-laying chickens were infested with chicken body lice or maintained as uninfested controls. At three timepoints, behavior and welfare of all chickens was measured. On-animal sensors were used to quantify pecking, preening, and dustbathing behavior. Other animal-based welfare metrics included recording comb wounds and skin lesions.

Birds infested with chicken body lice exhibited significantly more preening behaviors than uninfested birds, even at low louse levels. Moderate or severe skin lesions were detected on birds that were moderately infested with chicken body lice while skin lesions were never detected on uninfested birds.

The welfare of chickens was impacted by the chicken body louse, a chewing louse that primarily feather feeds. Evidence of skin lesions on infested birds suggests that lice may cause more damage to birds than previously thought, and further evaluation of louse economic damage is necessary.

Graphical Abstract

ケージフリーの鶏はシラミが多い(Cage-free chickens are louse-y)
