南極の棚氷、これまで考えられていた2倍の雪解け水を保持(Antarctic ice shelves hold twice as much meltwater as previously thought)


2024-06-27 ケンブリッジ大学

ケンブリッジ大学主導の研究により、南極の氷棚上の溶けた水の57%がシャーベット状の雪(スラッシュ)であることが明らかになりました。このスラッシュは標準的な気候モデルでは十分に考慮されておらず、太陽光を氷や雪より多く吸収するため、予想以上の溶け水を生成します。これにより氷棚の不安定化や崩壊が進み、海面上昇につながる可能性があります。研究者はNASAのLandsat 8のデータを用い、機械学習モデルを使ってスラッシュを識別し、2013年から2021年にかけてのデータを収集しました。この結果、気候モデルの改善が必要であると示唆されています。


南極の棚氷全域で、雪解け水の面積にスラッシュが大きく寄与していることが判明 Substantial contribution of slush to meltwater area across Antarctic ice shelves

Rebecca L. Dell,Ian C. Willis,Neil S. Arnold,Alison F. Banwell & Sophie de Roda Husman
Nature Geoscience  Published:27 June 2024

figure 1


Surface melting occurs across many of Antarctica’s ice shelves, mainly during the austral summer. The onset, duration, area and fate of surface melting varies spatially and temporally, and the resultant surface meltwater is stored as ponded water (lakes) or as slush (saturated firn or snow), with implications for ice-shelf hydrofracture, firn air content reduction, surface energy balance and thermal evolution. This study applies a machine-learning method to the entire Landsat 8 image catalogue to derive monthly records of slush and ponded water area across 57 ice shelves between 2013 and 2021. We find that slush and ponded water occupy roughly equal areas of Antarctica’s ice shelves in January, with inter-regional variations in partitioning. This suggests that studies that neglect slush may substantially underestimate the area of ice shelves covered by surface meltwater. Furthermore, we found that adjusting the surface albedo in a regional climate model to account for the lower albedo of surface meltwater resulted in 2.8 times greater snowmelt across five representative ice shelves. This extra melt is currently unaccounted for in regional climate models, which may lead to underestimates in projections of ice-sheet melting and ice-shelf stability.

