ORNLのスーパーコンピュータ「Frontier」を用いて、核融合閉じ込め改善への新たな手がかりを発見(Using ORNL’s Frontier supercomputer, researchers discover new clues to improving fusion confinement)


2024-06-24 オークリッジ国立研究所(ORNL)

ORNLのスーパーコンピュータ「Frontier」を用いて、核融合閉じ込め改善への新たな手がかりを発見(Using ORNL’s Frontier supercomputer, researchers discover new clues to improving fusion confinement)Researchers used the CGYRO gyrokinetic code to create a multiscale simulation of plasma temperature fluctuations driven by turbulence. The model was based on data from DOE’s DIII-D National Fusion Facility for an “ITER baseline” tokamak scenario. Credit: Emily Belli, General Atomics.

核融合はエネルギーを放出する新しい核を形成するプロセスで、未来のクリーンで信頼性の高い無限のエネルギー源になる可能性があります。科学者たちは長年の研究を基に、トカマク型融合炉で超高温プラズマの閉じ込めを改善する技術を開発してきました。しかし、最新の研究で、プラズマの回転が全体の乱流を増加させ、閉じ込めの質を低下させる可能性があることが示されました。この発見は、将来のトカマク設計の最適化に役立つ可能性があります。また、General Atomicsのチームは、異なる水素同位体を使用したシミュレーションで、デュタリウムとトリチウムの混合燃料がより良い閉じ込めを提供することを発見しました。


マルチスケール電子乱流の流動せん断不安定化 Flow-shear destabilization of multiscale electron turbulence

E A Belli, J Cand and I Sfiligoi
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion  Published: 7 March 2024


The impact of sheared × flow on multiscale turbulence is studied with nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations. Simulations are based on DIII-D-like, high-confinement mode (H-mode) pedestal parameters in the regime of low ion temperature gradient drive, where there is a broad spectrum of electron temperature gradient (ETG)-driven turbulence. It is found that × shear can have a significant effect on ETG-driven electron transport, with an unexpected transition from a turbulence stabilization regime at moderate to large shearing rates γE to a novel turbulence destabilization regime at low levels of γE. In the turbulence stabilization regime, the electron energy flux decreases monotonically with γE, even when γE is small compared to electron mode growth rates. The stabilizing effect comes dominantly from the electron, not ion, gyrokinetic equation. In the novel destabilization regime, reduction of zonal energy results from the interaction of γE-modulated nonlinear drive in the zonal ion gyrokinetic equation, increasing the electron transport over a broad range of shearing rates. Neither of these effects have been observed in previous electron-scale simulations.
