ロサンゼルス沿岸の深海魚からDDT汚染物質が発見される(DDT Pollutants Found in Deep Sea Fish off Los Angeles Coast)


2024-05-06 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)



南カリフォルニア湾の深海底堆積物と生物相におけるDDT+の同定 Identification of DDT+ in Deep Ocean Sediment and Biota in the Southern California Bight

Margaret E. Stack, William H. Richardot, Raymmah Garcia, Tran Nguyen, C. Anela Choy, Paul R. Jensen, Johanna Gutleben, Nathan G. Dodder, Lihini I. Aluwihare*, and Eunha Hoh
Environmental Science & Technology Letters  Published:May 6, 2024


ロサンゼルス沿岸の深海魚からDDT汚染物質が発見される(DDT Pollutants Found in Deep Sea Fish off Los Angeles Coast)

The recent rediscovery of offshore DDT waste dumping in the Southern California Bight (SCB) has led to questions about the extent and type of pollution in deep ocean environments. We used a nontargeted analysis to identify halogenated organic compounds (HOCs), including DDT+, in sediment in the San Pedro Basin. Additionally, we examined the chemical profiles of deep ocean biota inhabiting the SCB to assess the bioavailability of DDT+ and HOCs to the deep ocean food web. We detected 49 HOCs across all samples, including 15 DDT+ compounds in the sediment and 10 DDT+ compounds in the biota. Compounds included tris(4-chlorophenyl)methane (TCPM) and its isomers and three unknown DDT-related compounds previously identified in marine mammals. No clear trends were identified regarding DDT+ distribution in sediments. High DDT+ body burdens were found in biota irrespective of collection location, indicating widespread DDT+ contamination in the deep ocean of the SCB. TCPMs were detected in all biota samples except a single surface species, indicating that deep ocean sediment may be a source of DDT+ to the marine food web. This study demonstrates that the analysis of the larger suite of DDT+ is critical to trace deep ocean pollution of DDT in the SCB.
