宇宙で生命を見つけるには、死の金星に注目せよ(To find life in the universe, look to deadly Venus)


2024-04-22 カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校(UCR)

新しい研究論文によると、鉛を溶かすほどの高温、火山活動、硫酸の雲を持つ生命には適さない金星ですが、他の惑星での生命の可能性について重要な教訓を提供します。この論文は、地球と金星についての既知の情報をまとめ、金星を基点として他の星の周りの惑星で生命が存在しない条件をよりよく理解することを目指しています。また、金星の研究が地球の将来についての洞察を与える可能性があることを指摘しています。この研究は「Nature Astronomy」誌に掲載されました。


惑星居住性のアンカーポイントとしての金星 Venus as an anchor point for planetary habitability

Stephen R. Kane & Paul K. Byrne
Nature Astronomy  Published:22 April 2024

宇宙で生命を見つけるには、死の金星に注目せよ(To find life in the universe, look to deadly Venus)


A major focus of the planetary science and astrobiology community is understanding planetary habitability, including the myriad factors that control the evolution and sustainability of temperate surface environments such as that of Earth. The few substantial terrestrial planetary atmospheres within the Solar System serve as a critical resource for studying these habitability factors, from which models can be constructed for application to extrasolar planets. The recent astronomy and astrophysics and planetary science and astrobiology decadal surveys both emphasize the need for an improved understanding of planetary habitability as an essential goal within the context of astrobiology. The divergence in climate evolution of Venus and Earth provides a major accessible basis for understanding how the habitability of large rocky worlds evolves with time and what conditions limit the boundaries of habitability. Here we argue that Venus can be considered an ‘anchor point’ for understanding planetary habitability within the context of the evolution of terrestrial planets. We discuss the major factors that have influenced the respective evolutionary pathways of Venus and Earth, how these factors might be weighted in their overall influence and the measurements that will shed further light on their impacts on these worlds’ histories. We further discuss the importance of Venus with respect to both the recent decadal surveys and how these community consensus reports can help shape the exploration of Venus in the coming decades.
