ニュートリノに迫る(Closing in on the Elusive Neutrino)


2023-09-06 パシフィック・ノースウェスト国立研究所(PNNL)

◆プロジェクト8は、新しい検出技術であるCyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy(CRES)を使用し、電子のエネルギーを測定します。この技術は非常に精密で、今後の研究に役立つことが期待されています。プロジェクト8はさらなるスケールアップを計画し、より高い感度を目指しています。


サイクロトロン放射分光法によるトリチウムβスペクトル測定とニュートリノ質量限界 Tritium Beta Spectrum Measurement and Neutrino Mass Limit from Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy

A. Ashtari Esfahani et al. (Project 8 Collaboration)
Physical Review Letters  Published 6 September 2023

ニュートリノに迫る(Closing in on the Elusive Neutrino)


The absolute scale of the neutrino mass plays a critical role in physics at every scale, from the subatomic to the cosmological. Measurements of the tritium end-point spectrum have provided the most precise direct limit on the neutrino mass scale. In this Letter, we present advances by Project 8 to the cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy (CRES) technique culminating in the first frequency-based neutrino mass limit. With only a cm3-scale physical detection volume, a limit of mβ<155  eV/c2 (152  eV/c2) is extracted from the background-free measurement of the continuous tritium beta spectrum in a Bayesian (frequentist) analysis. Using 83mKr calibration data, a resolution of 1.66±0.19  eV (FWHM) is measured, the detector response model is validated, and the efficiency is characterized over the multi-keV tritium analysis window. These measurements establish the potential of CRES for a high-sensitivity next-generation direct neutrino mass experiment featuring low background and high resolution.
