自動運転車は交通速度を低下させる可能性がある(Self-Driving Cars Can Make Traffic Slower)


2023-08-14 ノースカロライナ州立大学(NCState)

自動運転車は交通速度を低下させる可能性がある(Self-Driving Cars Can Make Traffic Slower)Image credit: Nabeel Syed.



信号交差点の飽和ヘッドウェイと容量に対する接続性と自動化の効果 Effects of Connectivity and Automation on Saturation Headway and Capacity at Signalized Intersections

Ali Hajbabaie, Mehrdad Tajalli, and Eleni Bardaka
Transportation Research Record  Published:August 11, 2023


This paper analyzes the potential effects of connected and automated vehicles on saturation headway and capacity at signalized intersections. A signalized intersection is created in Vissim as a testbed, where four vehicle types are modeled and tested: (I) human-driven vehicles (HVs), (II) connected vehicles (CVs), (III) automated vehicles (AVs), and (IV) connected automated vehicles (CAVs). Various scenarios are defined based on different market-penetration rates of these four vehicle types. AVs are assumed to move more cautiously than HVs. CVs and CAVs are supposed to receive information about the future state of traffic lights and adjust their speeds to avoid stopping at the intersection. As a result, their movements are expected to be smoother with a lower number of stops. The effects of these vehicle types in mixed traffic are investigated in relation to saturation headway, capacity, travel time, delay, and queue length in different lane groups of an intersection. A Python script code developed by Vissim is used to provide the communication between the signal controller and CVs and CAVs to adjust their speeds accordingly. The results show that increasing CV and CAV market-penetration rate reduces saturation headway and consequently increases capacity at signalized intersections. On the other hand, increasing the AV market-penetration rate deteriorates traffic operations. Results also indicate that the highest increase (80%) and decrease (20%) in lane-group capacity are observed respectively in a traffic stream of 100% CAVs and 100% AVs.
