塩を渡してください: この宇宙岩石は、地球がどのように水を得たかについての手がかりを握っている(Pass the salt: This space rock holds clues as to how Earth got its water)


日本の探査機「はやぶさ」が地球に持ち帰った小惑星サンプルに小さな塩の粒が発見されたことは、太陽系最大の小惑星集団に液体の水がこれまで考えられていたよりも多く存在している可能性を示す有力な証拠となりました。 The discovery of tiny salt grains in an asteroid sample brought to Earth by the Japanese Hayabusa spacecraft provides strong evidence that liquid water may be more common in the solar system’s largest asteroid population than previously thought.

2023-06-13 アリゾナ大学



小惑星イトカワの熱水活動 Hydrothermal fluid activity on asteroid Itokawa

Shaofan Che & Thomas J. Zega
Nature Astronomy  Published:12 June 2023

塩を渡してください: この宇宙岩石は、地球がどのように水を得たかについての手がかりを握っている(Pass the salt: This space rock holds clues as to how Earth got its water)


Carbonaceous chondrites contain widespread mineralogical evidence for water–rock interactions, indicating that the C-type asteroids from which they are derived had active hydrothermal systems. In comparison, ordinary chondrites contain secondary minerals that are predominantly anhydrous, suggesting that their parent S-type asteroids were relatively dry. The returned particles from the Hayabusa Mission allow us to probe directly the alteration history of S-type asteroid Itokawa. Here we report nanometre-sized NaCl crystals identified in the interior of an Itokawa particle. These crystals are intimately associated with secondary albitic plagioclase, indicating coupled formation. The NaCl most likely formed through precipitation from an aqueous fluid prior to complete metamorphic dehydration on asteroid Itokawa. Our results therefore imply that asteroid Itokawa supported an active hydrothermal system and suggest that the once-hydrated S-type asteroids could have potentially delivered water to terrestrial planets.
