重装甲のような火星の地殻(Martian crust like heavy armour)


2023-05-16 スイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校(ETHZurich)

◆ETH Zurichの研究者は、NASAのMars InSightミッション中に発生した強い地震を通じて、火星の地殻の厚さと密度を決定したと報告しています。


火星を周回する表面波が明らかにした全地殻の厚さ Global crustal thickness revealed by surface waves orbiting Mars

Doyeon Kim, Cecilia Duran, Domenico Giardini, Ana-Catalina Plesa, Simon C. Stähler, Christian Boehm, Vedran Lekic, Scott M. McLennan, Savas Ceylan, John Clinton, Paul McEwan Davis, Amir Khan, Brigitte Knapmeyer-Endrun, Mark Paul Panning, Mark A. Wieczorek, Philippe Lognonné
Geophysical Research Letters  Published:06 Mar 2023


We report observations of Rayleigh waves that orbit around Mars up to three times following the S1222a marsquake. Averaging these signals, we find the largest amplitude signals at 30 s and 85 s central period, propagating with distinctly different group velocities of 2.9 km/s and 3.8 km/s, respectively. The group velocities constraining the average crustal thickness beneath the great circle path rule out the majority of previous crustal models of Mars that have a >200 kg/m3 density contrast across the dichotomy. We find that the thickness of the martian crust is 42-56 km on average, and thus thicker than the crusts of the Earth and Moon. Together with thermal evolution models, a thick martian crust suggests that the crust must contain 50-70% of the total heat production to explain present-day local melt zones in the interior of Mars.
