一元管理されたデータベースが、サンゴ礁の理解を深める。(Centralized database helps scientists better understand coral reefs)


2023-04-20 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)

RECIFSは、Global Ecology and Biogeographyに掲載された記事で公開されました。


リーフ環境一元管理システム(RECIFS): サンゴ礁の研究と保全のための統合的な地質環境データベース The Reef Environment Centralized InFormation System (RECIFS): An integrated geo-environmental database for coral reef research and conservation

Oliver Selmoni, Gaël Lecellier, Véronique Berteaux-Lecellier, Stéphane Joost
Global Ecology and Biogeography  Published: 20 March 2023

一元管理されたデータベースが、サンゴ礁の理解を深める。(Centralized database helps scientists better understand coral reefs)


Host to intricate networks of marine species, coral reefs are among the most biologically diverse ecosystems on Earth. Over the past few decades, major degradations of coral reefs have been observed worldwide, which is largely attributed to the effects of climate change and local stressors related to human activities. Now more than ever, characterizing how the environment shapes the dynamics of the reef ecosystem (e.g., shifts in species abundance, community changes, emergence of locally adapted populations) is key to uncovering the environmental drivers of reef degradation, and developing efficient conservation strategies in response. To achieve these objectives, it is pivotal that environmental data describing the processes driving such ecosystem dynamics, which occur across specific spatial and temporal scales, are easily accessible to coral reef researchers and conservation stakeholders alike.

Main types of variable contained
Multiple environmental variables characterizing various facets of the reef environment, including water chemistry and physics (e.g., temperature, pH, chlorophyll concentration), local anthropogenic pressures (e.g., boat traffic, distance from agricultural or urban areas) and sea currents patterns.

Spatial location and grain
Worldwide reef cells of 5 by 5 km.

Time period and grain
Last 3–4 decades, monthly and yearly resolution.

Major taxa and level of measurement
Environmental data important for coral reefs and associated biodiversity.

Software format
Interactive web application available at https://recifs.epfl.ch.
