自動化機能の利用を促すメリットとして、利便性や操作性を挙げることができます。(Convenience, control among benefits that inspire automated feature use)


2023-04-05 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)

自動化機能の利用を促すメリットとして、利便性や操作性を挙げることができます。(Convenience, control among benefits that inspire automated feature use)

A Penn State-led team of researchers suggest that focusing on certain benefits of automated features, such as autocorrect, may lead developers to create automated tools that people use more and complain about less. Credit: Pradamas Gifarry/Unsplash. All Rights Reserved.



人々は、YouTubeの自動再生やGoogle Gmailのスマートコンポーズなど、自動機能の便利性と制御性を評価している。人々が自動機能を好む理由には、自分の個人的な好みを学習する能力があることもある。ただし、自動機能がスムーズな操作を妨げる場合、ユーザーは不満を言う傾向がある。



インタラクティビティではなくインターパティビティ?自動化された機能の用途と満足度 Interpassivity instead of interactivity? The uses and gratifications of automated features

Cheng Chen,Sangwook Lee & S. Shyam Sundar

Behaviour & Information Technology  Published:02 Mar 2023



The popularity of automated features, such as autocorrect, reflects an interesting paradox in digital media use: while users appreciate the interactivity afforded by these media, they also seem to enjoy passively observing the system perform the interaction on their behalf. We aim to understand this paradox by using the concept of interpassivity and exploring the primary gratifications users seek in automated features. Following the research methods in U&G research, we first conducted three focus groups to generate a list of 66 gratification items, which were subjected to exploratory factor analysis in a survey study (N = 498). Results show that convenience, user control, and user profiling are three distinct gratifications of automated feature usage. Furthermore, user control is universally desired across features, and user profiling motivates the use of all automated features. We discuss the implications of these findings for U&G research and interface design of automated features.
