化石放射性炭素の測定により、CO2の取り込み、炭素貯蔵、気候への影響を示す Fossil radiocarbon measurements show effect on CO2 uptake, carbon storage and climate
2023-03-29 カリフォルニア大学校アーバイン校(UCI)
- https://news.uci.edu/2023/03/29/uc-irvine-earth-system-scientists-uncover-ice-age-shift-in-pacific-ocean-circulation/
- https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abq5434
最終氷期以降の深海循環と炭素貯蔵のグローバルな再編成 Global reorganization of deep-sea circulation and carbon storage after the last ice age
Patrick A. Rafter,William R. Gray,Sophia K.V. Hines,Andrea Burke,Kassandra M. Costa ,Julia Gottschalk,Mathis P. Hain,James W.B. Rae,John R. Southon,Maureen H. Walczak,Jimin Yu,Jess F. Adkins,Timothy DeVries
Science Advances Published:16 Nov 2022
Using new and published marine fossil radiocarbon (14C/C) measurements, a tracer uniquely sensitive to circulation and air-sea gas exchange, we establish several benchmarks for Atlantic, Southern, and Pacific deep-sea circulation and ventilation since the last ice age. We find the most 14C-depleted water in glacial Pacific bottom depths, rather than the mid-depths as they are today, which is best explained by a slowdown in glacial deep-sea overturning in addition to a “flipped” glacial Pacific overturning configuration. These observations cannot be produced by changes in air-sea gas exchange alone, and they underscore the major role for changes in the overturning circulation for glacial deep-sea carbon storage in the vast Pacific abyss and the concomitant drawdown of atmospheric CO2.