トウモロコシの加工廃棄物から抗酸化栄養素を抽出する方法(Method extracts antioxidant nutrients from corn processing waste)


毎年生産される1億2千万トン以上のコーンスターチのうち、15%近くが廃棄されるか、鶏などの動物に与えられています。フランシスコ・ビラプラナは、この “巨大な副産物” から栄養価を生み出す方法を開発しました。 Of the more than 120 million metric tons of corn starch produced each year, nearly 15 percent is discarded or fed to chickens and other animals. Francisco Vilaplana has developed a method to generate nutritional value from what he describes as “a huge sidestream.”

2023-01-31 スウェーデン王国・王立工科大学(KTH)

◆KTH王立工科大学の糖質科学部門准教授Francisco Vilaplana氏によると、次のステップは、この水溶性フェルラ酸を豊富に含む食物繊維部分を天然酵素(ラッカーゼとペルオキシダーゼ)で架橋してハイドロゲルを作成することであるとのこと。このハイドロゲルは、腸の健康を保つためのプレバイオティクスとして消化されるほか、酸化ストレスに対抗して治癒に寄与することから、傷の治療薬として使用することも可能だという。
◆この方法は、科学雑誌『Green Chemistry』に掲載されました。


トウモロコシ繊維由来のフェルロイル化アラビノキシランの酵素架橋による細胞酸化ストレス保護効果を有するハイドロゲル Hydrogels with protective effects against cellular oxidative stress via enzymatic crosslinking of feruloylated arabinoxylan from corn fibre

Secil Yilmaz-Turan, Kun Jiang, Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, Amparo Jiménez-Quero, Thomas Crouzier,  Tomás S. Plivelic  and Francisco Vilaplana
Green Chemistry  Published:07 Nov 2022


Biocatalytical upgrading of side streams from agricultural biomass into multifunctional materials constitutes a very attractive option to increase the circularity of food and material systems. We propose the design of radical scavenging hydrogels with mechanical integrity and protective effects against reactive oxygen species by enzymatic crosslinking of arabinoxylans (AX) with high ferulic acid content extracted from corn fibre using subcritical water. We have compared the influence of two enzymatic systems, laccase/O2 and peroxidase/H2O2, on the biochemical structure, multiscale assembly, physicochemical properties, and radical scavenging activity of the polysaccharide hydrogels. Peroxidase crosslinking results in instant hydrogel formation, whereas laccase shows slower crosslinking kinetics, resulting in a more elastic gel network. Characterization by size exclusion chromatography, small angle X-ray scattering, and microscopy revealed structural differences in the network organization of the hydrogels produced by the two enzymes. Laccase crosslinking leads to smaller polymeric aggregates, promoting their progressive organization in network clusters that impact the overall ultrastructure. Conversely, the fast crosslinking induced by peroxidase results in higher porosity and forms larger and potentially more heterogeneous aggregates, which seem to hinder their subsequent association in clusters. Both AX hydrogels exhibit adequate biocompatibility and protective effects against in vitro cellular oxidative stress compared to an alginate reference. This constitutes a proof of concept of the potential application of radical scavenging hydrogels from agricultural side streams for biomedical and nutritional applications in wound healing, cellular repair and targeted delivery.

