カリフォルニアの海洋保護区が魚の個体数を増加させる (California’s Marine Protected Areas Boost Fish Populations Across the State)


2025-02-11 カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校 (UCSB)



複数の生態系にまたがる大規模海洋保護区ネットワークがもたらす保全効果 Conservation benefits of a large marine protected area network that spans multiple ecosystems

Joshua G. Smith, Cori Lopazanski, Christopher M. Free, Julien Brun, Clarissa Anderson, Mark H. Carr, Joachim Claudet, Jenifer E. Dugan, Jacob G. Eurich, Tessa B. Francis, David A. Gill …
Conservation Biology  Published: 09 January 2025

カリフォルニアの海洋保護区が魚の個体数を増加させる (California’s Marine Protected Areas Boost Fish Populations Across the State)


Marine protected areas (MPAs) are widely implemented tools for long-term ocean conservation and resource management. Assessments of MPA performance have largely focused on specific ecosystems individually and have rarely evaluated performance across multiple ecosystems either in an individual MPA or across an MPA network. We evaluated the conservation performance of 59 MPAs in California’s large MPA network, which encompasses 4 primary ecosystems (surf zone, kelp forest, shallow reef, deep reef) and 4 bioregions, and identified MPA attributes that best explain performance. Using a meta-analytic framework, we evaluated the ability of MPAs to conserve fish biomass, richness, and diversity. At the scale of the network and for 3 of 4 regions, the biomass of species targeted by fishing was positively associated with the level of regulatory protection and was greater inside no-take MPAs, whereas species not targeted by fishing had similar biomass in MPAs and areas open to fishing. In contrast, species richness and diversity were not as strongly enhanced by MPA protection. The key features of conservation effectiveness included MPA age, preimplementation fisheries pressure, and habitat diversity. Important drivers of MPA effectiveness for single MPAs were consistent across MPAs in the network, spanning regions and ecosystems. With international targets aimed at protecting 30% of the world’s oceans by 2030, MPA design and assessment frameworks should consider conservation performance at multiple ecologically relevant scales, from individual MPAs to MPA networks.
