地球近傍小惑星のデータが宇宙の第5の力の可能性を探るのに役立つ(Near-Earth asteroid data helps probe possible fifth force of the universe)


2024-10-07 ロスアラモス国立研究所(LANL)



OSIRIS-RExのターゲット小惑星ベンヌから、第5の力と超軽量暗黒物質に関する制約が得られる Constraints on fifth forces and ultralight dark matter from OSIRIS-REx target asteroid Bennu

Yu-Dai Tsai,Davide Farnocchia,Marco Micheli,Sunny Vagnozzi & Luca Visinelli
Communications Physics  Published:20 September 2024

地球近傍小惑星のデータが宇宙の第5の力の可能性を探るのに役立つ(Near-Earth asteroid data helps probe possible fifth force of the universe)


It is important to test the possible existence of fifth forces, as ultralight bosons that would mediate these are predicted to exist in several well-motivated extensions of the Standard Model. Recent work indicated asteroids as promising probes, but applications to real data are lacking so far. Here we use the OSIRIS-REx mission and ground-based tracking data for the asteroid Bennu to derive constraints on fifth forces. Our limits are strongest for mediator masses m ~ (10−18-10−17) eV, where we currently achieve the tightest bounds. These can be translated to a wide class of models leading to Yukawa-type fifth forces, and we demonstrate how they apply to U(1)B dark photons and baryon-coupled scalars. Our results demonstrate the potential of asteroid tracking in probing well-motivated extensions of the Standard Model and ultralight bosons near the fuzzy dark matter range.

小惑星データによる第5の力と超軽量暗黒物質への新たな制約 Novel constraints on fifth forces and ultralight dark sector with asteroidal data

Yu-Dai Tsai, Youjia Wu, Sunny Vagnozzi and Luca Visinelli
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics  Published: 12 April 2023


We study for the first time the possibility of probing long-range fifth forces utilizing asteroid astrometric data, via the fifth force-induced orbital precession. We examine nine Near-Earth Object (NEO) asteroids whose orbital trajectories are accurately determined via optical and radar astrometry. Focusing on a Yukawa-type potential mediated by a new gauge field (dark photon) or a baryon-coupled scalar, we estimate the sensitivity reach for the fifth force coupling strength and mediator mass in the mass range m ≃ (10-21-10-15) eV, near the “fuzzy” dark matter region. Our estimated sensitivity is comparable to leading limits from equivalence principle tests, potentially exceeding these in a specific mass range. The fifth force-induced precession increases with the orbital semi-major axis in the small m limit, motivating the study of objects further away from the Sun. We also demonstrate that precession tests are particularly strong in probing long-range forces which approximately conserve the equivalence principle. We discuss future prospects for extending our study to more than a million asteroids, including NEOs, main-belt asteroids, Hildas, and Jupiter Trojans, as well as trans-Neptunian objects and exoplanets.
