革新的な植物e-スキンとデジタル・ツイン・モニタリング・システムによる精密農業の高度化(Elevating precision farming with innovative plant e-skin coupled with digital-twin monitoring system)


2024-09-04 シンガポール国立大学(NUS)



非侵襲的表現型分類のためのオールオーガニック透明植物e-スキン All-organic transparent plant e-skin for noninvasive phenotyping

Yanqin Yang, Tianyiyi He, Pratibha Ravindran, Feng Wen, […], and Chengkuo Lee
Science Advances  Published:16 Feb 2024

革新的な植物e-スキンとデジタル・ツイン・モニタリング・システムによる精密農業の高度化(Elevating precision farming with innovative plant e-skin coupled with digital-twin monitoring system)


Real-time in situ monitoring of plant physiology is essential for establishing a phenotyping platform for precision agriculture. A key enabler for this monitoring is a device that can be noninvasively attached to plants and transduce their physiological status into digital data. Here, we report an all-organic transparent plant e-skin by micropatterning poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate. This plant e-skin is optically and mechanically invisible to plants with no observable adverse effects to plant health. We demonstrate the capabilities of our plant e-skins as strain and temperature sensors, with the application to Brassica rapa leaves for collecting corresponding parameters under normal and abiotic stress conditions. Strains imposed on the leaf surface during growth as well as diurnal fluctuation of surface temperature were captured. We further present a digital-twin interface to visualize real-time plant surface environment, providing an intuitive and vivid platform for plant phenotyping.
