長距離トラック輸送の自動化・電動化は環境への影響を軽減できるか?(Could automation, electrification of long-haul trucking reduce environmental impacts?)


2024-04-22 ミシガン大学



長距離トラック輸送の自動化と電動化により、都市部の健康被害と環境被害が削減される Automation and electrification in long-haul trucking cuts urban health and environmental damages

Parth Vaishnav, Yizhou Tian, Cecelia Isaac, Aniruddh Mohan
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment  Available online: 22 April 2024

長距離トラック輸送の自動化・電動化は環境への影響を軽減できるか?(Could automation, electrification of long-haul trucking reduce environmental impacts?)


Automated trucking could be deployed based on a ‘transfer hub’ model. Human driven tractors will haul loads from urban origins to transfer hubs at the edge of Interstates; automated tractors will haul loads along Interstates to transfer hubs near the destination; human driven tractors will complete the journey. The need for large batteries is a barrier to the full electrification of long-haul trucking. However, in a ‘transfer hub’ model tractors deployed on urban legs can be electrified without using large batteries. Here, we assess the change in damages from air pollution from the introduction of automation and partial electrification in long haul trucking. For long haul routes below 300 miles, electrification reduces air pollution and greenhouse gas damages by 13% ($587 million annually). For long haul routes above 300 miles, electrification of just the urban segments facilitated by hub-based automation of highway driving reduces damages by 35% ($220 million annually).
