皮膚の感度をエミュレートするカラーベースのセンサー(A color-based sensor to emulate skin’s sensitivity)


2023-12-01 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)

◆スイス連邦工科大学の再構成可能ロボティクスラボ(RRL)のJamie Paik氏と同僚らは、ChromoSenseと呼ばれるセンサーを開発しました。この技術は、赤、緑、青の三色で染められた透明なゴムシリンダーを使用し、LEDがデバイスの上部から光を送り、曲げられたり伸ばされたりすると、色の変化を底部の小型分光計で検出します。また、温度変化も検知可能で、特殊な染料を使用しています。


コンテクストセンシティブな機械のためのマルチモーダル変形・温度センシング Multi-modal deformation and temperature sensing for context-sensitive machines

Robert Baines,Fabio Zuliani,Neil Chennoufi,Sagar Joshi,Rebecca Kramer-Bottiglio & Jamie Paik
Nature Communications  Published:18 November 2023

皮膚の感度をエミュレートするカラーベースのセンサー(A color-based sensor to emulate skin’s sensitivity)


Owing to the remarkable properties of the somatosensory system, human skin compactly perceives myriad forms of physical stimuli with high precision. Machines, conversely, are often equipped with sensory suites constituted of dozens of unique sensors, each made for detecting limited stimuli. Emerging high degree-of-freedom human-robot interfaces and soft robot applications are delimited by the lack of simple, cohesive, and information-dense sensing technologies. Stepping toward biological levels of proprioception, we present a sensing technology capable of decoding omnidirectional bending, compression, stretch, binary changes in temperature, and combinations thereof. This multi-modal deformation and temperature sensor harnesses chromaticity and intensity of light as it travels through patterned elastomer doped with functional dyes. Deformations and temperature shifts augment the light chromaticity and intensity, resulting in a one-to-one mapping between stimulus modes that are sequentially combined and the sensor output. We study the working principle of the sensor via a comprehensive opto-thermo-mechanical assay, and find that the information density provided by a single sensing element permits deciphering rich and diverse human-robot and robot-environmental interactions.
