ゼントロピーと新しい強誘電体材料創製の技術(Zentropy and the art of creating new ferroelectric materials)


2023-08-09 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)

◆Zentropy理論は、エントロピー概念に新たな次元を加えたもので、物質科学と工学の専門家であるZi-Kui Liu教授が率いる研究チームによって開発されました。この理論を用いて実験の結果を予測し、新しい強誘電材料の効率的な探索や設計を可能にするとされています。


量子力学と統計力学の組み合わせによるPbTiO3の相転移のパラメータフリー予測 Parameter-free prediction of phase transition in PbTiO3 through combination of quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics

Zi-Kui Liu, Shun-Li Shang, Jinglian Du, Yi Wang
Scripta Materialia  Available online: 20 April 2023

ゼントロピーと新しい強誘電体材料創製の技術(Zentropy and the art of creating new ferroelectric materials)


Thermodynamics of ferroelectric materials and their ferroelectric to paraelectric (FE-PE) transitions is commonly described by the phenomenological Landau theory and more recently by effective Hamiltonian and various potentials, all with model parameters fitted to experimental or theoretical data. Here we show that the zentropy theory, which considers the total entropy of a system as a weighted sum of entropies of configurations that the system may experience and the statistical entropy among the configurations, can predict the FE-PE transition without fitting parameters. For PbTiO3, the configurations are identified as the FE configurations with 90- or 180° domain walls in addition to the ground state FE configuration without domain wall. With the domain wall energies predicted from first-principles based on density functional theory in the literature as the only inputs, the FE-PE transition for PbTiO3 is predicted showing remarkable agreement with experiments, unveiling the microscopic fundamentals of the transition.
