レインガーデンが有害なタイヤの化学物質からサケを救う可能性(Rain gardens could save salmon from toxic tire chemicals)


2023-06-21 カナダ・ブリティッシュコロンビア大学(UBC)



バイオリテンションセルは、流入水への6PPD-キノン質量負荷を10倍減少させる: フィールド実験とモデリングによる証拠 Bioretention Cells Provide a 10-Fold Reduction in 6PPD-Quinone Mass Loadings to Receiving Waters: Evidence from a Field Experiment and Modeling

Timothy F. M. Rodgers, Yanru Wang, Cassandra Humes, Matthew Jeronimo, Cassandra Johannessen, Sylvie Spraakman, Amanda Giang, and Rachel C. Scholes
Environmental Science & Technology Letters  Published:June 16, 2023

レインガーデンが有害なタイヤの化学物質からサケを救う可能性(Rain gardens could save salmon from toxic tire chemicals)


Road runoff to streams and rivers exposes aquatic organisms to complex mixtures of chemical contaminants. In particular, the tire-derived chemical 6PPD-quinone (N-(1,3-dimethylbutyl)-N′-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine-quinone) is acutely toxic to several species of salmonids, which are critical to fisheries, ecosystems, and Indigenous cultures. We therefore urgently require interventions that can reduce loadings of 6PPD-quinone to salmonid habitats. Herein, we conducted a spike and recovery experiment on a full-scale, mature bioretention cell to assess the efficacy of stormwater green infrastructure technologies in reducing 6PPD-quinone loadings to receiving waters. We then interpreted and extended the results of our experiment using an improved version of the “Bioretention Blues” contaminant transport and fate model. Overall, our results showed that stormwater bioretention systems can effectively mitigate >∼90% of 6PPD-quinone loadings to streams under most “typical” storm conditions (i.e., < 2-year return period). We therefore recommend that stormwater managers and other environmental stewards redirect stormwater away from receiving waters and into engineered green infrastructure systems such as bioretention cells.
