グリーンランド氷床の動きをより詳細にとらえることが可能に(Researchers build more detailed picture of the movement of Greenland Ice Sheet)


2023-02-10 ケンブリッジ大学

◆Science Advances誌に掲載されたこの研究成果は、グリーンランド氷床が気候変動に対応してどのように変動し続けるかをより正確に予測するために利用される可能性があります。


グリーンランド氷床の出口氷河と基部温帯氷の複雑な運動 Complex motion of Greenland ice sheet outlet glaciers with basal temperate ice

Robert Law,Poul Christoffersen,Emma MacKie,Samuel Cook,Marianne Haseloff,Olivier Gagliardini
Science Advances  Published:10 Feb 2023

グリーンランド氷床の動きをより詳細にとらえることが可能に(Researchers build more detailed picture of the movement of Greenland Ice Sheet)


Uncertainty associated with ice sheet motion plagues sea level rise predictions. Much of this uncertainty arises from imperfect representations of physical processes including basal slip and internal ice deformation, with ice sheet models largely incapable of reproducing borehole-based observations. Here, we model isolated three-dimensional domains from fast-moving (Sermeq Kujalleq/Store Glacier) and slow-moving (Isunnguata Sermia) ice sheet settings in Greenland. By incorporating realistic geostatistically simulated topography, we show that a spatially highly variable layer of temperate ice (much softer ice at the pressure-melting point) forms naturally in both settings, alongside ice motion patterns which diverge substantially from those obtained using smoothly varying BedMachine topography. Temperate ice is vertically extensive (>100 meters) in deep troughs but thins notably (<5 meters) over bedrock highs, with basal slip rates reaching >90 or <5% of surface velocity dependent on topography and temperate layer thickness. Developing parameterizations of the net effect of this complex motion can improve the realism of predictive ice sheet models.

光ファイバー式分布型温度センシングにより明らかになったグリーンランド流出氷河の高速移動の熱力学 Thermodynamics of a fast-moving Greenlandic outlet glacier revealed by fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing

Robert Law,Poul Christoffersen,Bryn Hubbard,Samuel H. Doyle,Thomas R. Chudley ,Charlotte M. Schoonman ,Marion Bougamont ,Bas des Tombe,Bart Schilperoort,Cedric Kechavarzi,Adam Booth,Tun Jan Young
Science Advances  Published:14 May 2021


Measurements of ice temperature provide crucial constraints on ice viscosity and the thermodynamic processes occurring within a glacier. However, such measurements are presently limited by a small number of relatively coarse-spatial-resolution borehole records, especially for ice sheets. Here, we advance our understanding of glacier thermodynamics with an exceptionally high-vertical-resolution (~0.65 m), distributed-fiber-optic temperature-sensing profile from a 1043-m borehole drilled to the base of Sermeq Kujalleq (Store Glacier), Greenland. We report substantial but isolated strain heating within interglacial-phase ice at 208 to 242 m depth together with strongly heterogeneous ice deformation in glacial-phase ice below 889 m. We also observe a high-strain interface between glacial- and interglacial-phase ice and a 73-m-thick temperate basal layer, interpreted as locally formed and important for the glacier’s fast motion. These findings demonstrate notable spatial heterogeneity, both vertically and at the catchment scale, in the conditions facilitating the fast motion of marine-terminating glaciers in Greenland.
