

2025-03-24 東京科学大学

東京科学大学(Science Tokyo)物質理工学院の研究チームは、マグネシウム(Mg)とシリコン(Si)を含む新たなウルツ鉱構造の窒化物絶縁体「MgSiN₂」の薄膜作製に成功しました。従来、ウルツ鉱構造の窒化物は限られた元素でしか実現できませんでしたが、今回の成果により、より多様な組成でのウルツ鉱構造物質の開発が期待されます。この新素材は、圧電性や強誘電性を持ち、高周波ノイズフィルタや超低消費電力の不揮発性メモリなどへの応用が可能とされています。


反応性スパッタリング法により作製した異種金属三元系MgSiN2薄膜における非平衡ウルツ鉱構造の実現 Realization of Non-Equilibrium Wurtzite Structure in Heterovalent Ternary MgSiN2 Film Grown by Reactive Sputtering

Sotaro Kageyama, Kazuki Okamoto, Shinnosuke Yasuoka, Keisuke Ide, Kota Hanzawa, Yoshiomi Hiranaga, Pochun Hsieh, Sankalpa Hazra, Albert Suceava, Akash Saha …
Advanced Electronic Materials  Published: 06 February 2025



The piezoelectric and ferroelectric applications of heterovalent ternary materials are not well explored. Epitaxial MgSiN2 films are grown at 600 °C on (111)Pt//(001)Al2O3 substrates by the reactive sputtering method using metallic Mg and Si under the N2 atmosphere. Detailed X-ray diffraction measurements and transmission electron microscopy observations revealed that the epitaxially grown films on the substrates have a hexagonal wurtzite structure with c-axis out-of-plane orientation. The random occupation of this structure by Mg and Si differs from that of the previously reported structure in which these two cations periodically occupy the cationic sites. However, the lattice spacings closely approximate those that are previously reported, irrespective of the ordering, and they are almost comparable with those of (Al0.8Sc0.2)N. The wide bandgap of >5.0 eV in deposited MgSiN2 is compatible with that of AlN and suggests durability against the application of strong external electric fields, possibly to induce polarization switching. In addition, MgSiN2 is shown to have piezoelectric properties with an effective d33 value of 2.3 pm V−1 for the first time. This work demonstrates the compositional expansion of hexagonal wurtzite to heterovalent ternary nitrides for novel piezoelectric materials, whose ferroelectricity is expected.
