新半導体から世界最小のLEDを開発(World’s smallest LEDs from a new semiconductor)


2025-03-20 浙江大学(ZJU)

浙江大学とケンブリッジ大学の研究者らは、ペロブスカイト半導体を用いた世界最小のLED(発光ダイオード)「ナノPeLED」を開発しました。この新技術により、ピクセルサイズはわずか90ナノメートルまで縮小され、史上最高の画素密度127,000 PPIを実現。従来のIII-V族半導体ベースのマイクロLEDと異なり、サイズ縮小による効率低下が少なく、緑および近赤外のLEDで約20%の外部量子効率を保持しました。研究チームはこの技術を活かし、TFT駆動のアクティブマトリクスディスプレイも試作しています。


マイクロ・ナノペロブスカイトLEDの小型化 Downscaling micro- and nano-perovskite LEDs

Yaxiao Lian,Yaxin Wang,Yucai Yuan,Zhixiang Ren,Weidong Tang,Zhe Liu,Shiyu Xing,Kangyu Ji,Bo Yuan,Yichen Yang,Yuxiang Gao,Shiang Zhang,Ke Zhou,Gan Zhang,Samuel D. Stranks,Baodan Zhao & Dawei Di
Nature  Published:19 March 2025

extended data figure 1


Many technological breakthroughs in electronics and photonics were made possible by downscaling—the process of making elementary devices smaller in size1,2,3,4,5. The downsizing of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) based on III–V semiconductors led to micro-LEDs5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, an ‘ultimate technology’ for displays. However, micro-LEDs are costly to produce and they exhibit severe efficiency losses when the pixel sizes are reduced to about 10 μm or less, hindering their potential in commercial applications. Here we show the downscaling of an emerging class of LEDs based on perovskite semiconductors to below the conventional size limits. Micro- and nano-perovskite LEDs (micro-PeLEDs/nano-PeLEDs) with characteristic pixel lengths from hundreds of micrometres down to about 90 nm are demonstrated, through a localized contact fabrication scheme that prevents non-radiative losses at the pixel boundaries. For our near-infrared (NIR) and green micro-PeLEDs, average external quantum efficiencies (EQEs) are maintained at around 20% across a wide range of pixel lengths (650 to 3.5 μm), exhibiting minimum performance reduction on downsizing. Our nano-PeLEDs with characteristic pixel lengths down to about 90 nm represent the smallest LEDs reported, enabling a record-high pixel density of 127,000 pixels per inch (PPI) among all classes of LED arrays. Our demonstration showcases the strength of micro- and nano-PeLEDs as a next-generation light-source technology with unprecedented compactness and scalability.
