光子から陽子へ:高エネルギー粒子検出のブレークスルー (From photons to protons: Argonne team makes breakthrough in high-energy particle detection)


2025-02-11 アルゴンヌ国立研究所 (ANL)

光子から陽子へ:高エネルギー粒子検出のブレークスルー (From photons to protons: Argonne team makes breakthrough in high-energy particle detection)
Close-up view of a SNSPD mounted on a printed circuit board inside the cryostat at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility. This device was used in the first successful demonstration of high-energy proton detection using SNSPDs. (Image by Sangbaek Lee/Argonne National Laboratory.)



120GeV陽子によるSNSPDのビーム試験 Beam tests of SNSPDs with 120 GeV protons

Sangbaek Lee, Tomas Polakovic, Whitney Armstrong, Alan Dibos, Timothy Draher, Nathaniel Pastika, Zein-Eddine Meziani, Valentine Novosad
Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment  Available online :9 October 2024


We report the test results for a 120 GeV proton beam incident on superconducting nanowire particle detectors of various wire sizes. NbN devices with the same sensitive area were fabricated with different wire widths and tested at a temperature of 2.82 K. The relative detection efficiency was extracted from bias current scans for each device. The results show that the wire width is a critical factor in determining the detection efficiency and larger wire widths than 400 nm leads to inefficiencies at low bias currents. These results are particularly relevant for novel applications at accelerator facilities, such as the Electron-Ion Collider, where cryogenic cooling is readily available.
