2025-02-05 バース大学
- https://www.bath.ac.uk/announcements/by-studying-neutron-starquakes-scientists-hope-to-transform-their-understanding-of-nuclear-matter/
- https://journals.aps.org/prc/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevC.111.015809
キラル有効場理論の小惑星地震学的検証としての共鳴砕け散るフレア Resonant shattering flares as asteroseismic tests of chiral effective field theory
Duncan Neill and David Tsang,Christian Drischler,Jeremy W. Holt,William G. Newton
Physical Review C Published: 27 January, 2025
Chiral effective field theory (EFT) has proved to be a powerful microscopic framework for predicting the properties of neutron-rich nuclear matter with quantified theoretical uncertainties up to about twice the nuclear saturation density. Tests of EFT predictions are typically performed at low densities using nuclear experiments, with neutron star (NS) constraints only being considered at high densities. In this work, we discuss how asteroseismic quasinormal modes within NSs could be used to constrain specific matter properties at particular densities not just the integrated quantities to which bulk NS observables are sensitive. We focus on the crust-core interface mode, showing that measuring this mode’s frequency would provide a meaningful test of EFT at densities around half the saturation density. Conversely, we use nuclear matter properties predicted by EFT to estimate that this mode’s frequency is around 185±50Hz. Asteroseismic observables such as resonant phase shifts in gravitational-wave signals and multimessenger resonant shattering flare timings, therefore, have the potential to provide useful tests of EFT.