2024-10-10 マサチューセッツ大学アマースト校
- https://www.umass.edu/news/article/new-analysis-tools-umass-amherst-can-help-farmers-make-informed-choice-agrivoltaics
- https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol62/iss3/12/
多年生作物および畑作農家のためのアグリボルタイック意思決定ツール Agrivoltaic Decision Tools for Perennial and Field Crop Farmers
Jill Fitzsimmons, Tae-hyun Kim
Journal of Extension Published:2024
This article describes a series of spreadsheet-based tools to help farmers estimate costs, revenues, and yields from agricultural production under different configurations of agrivoltaic installations for field and perennial crops. Crop-specific log books allow farmers to project changes in activity-level costs from the field due to agrivoltaic installations. The whole-farm tool helps farmers aggregate activity-level net returns up to the farm level to calculate projections of trade-offs between crop production with or without agrivoltaic installations. We present tools for lettuce and cranberries, but the tools are comprehensive and inclusive and so can be modified for other perennial and field crops.