量子物理学:魔法のひねり(Quantum physics: A magic twist)


2024-09-19 ミュンヘン大学(LMU)

LMUの物理学者Dmitri Efetov率いる国際チームは、魔法角ねじれ二層グラフェンを用いて、赤外線スペクトル内の単一光子の検出に成功しました。この成果は、超伝導単一光子検出を長波長の光子に拡張する重要なステップです。従来の超伝導材料とは異なり、低密度電子を持つ魔法角グラフェンは、単一の低エネルギー光子でも超伝導状態を乱すことができ、より広いスペクトル範囲での光子検出が可能です。この研究は新たな量子デバイスやセンサーの開発に道を開きます。


超伝導魔法角ツイスト二層グラフェンによる赤外単一光子検出 Infrared single-photon detection with superconducting magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene

Giorgio Di Battista, Kin Chung Fong, Andrés Díez-Carlón, Kenji Watanabe, […], and Dmitri K. Efetov
Science Advances  Published:18 Sep 2024

量子物理学:魔法のひねり(Quantum physics: A magic twist)


The moiré superconductor magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG) shows exceptional properties, with an electron (hole) ensemble of only ~1011 carriers per square centimeter, which is five orders of magnitude lower than traditional superconductors (SCs). This results in an ultralow electronic heat capacity and a large kinetic inductance of this truly two-dimensional SC, providing record-breaking parameters for quantum sensing applications, specifically thermal sensing and single-photon detection. To fully exploit these unique superconducting properties for quantum sensing, here, we demonstrate a proof-of-principle experiment to detect single near-infrared photons by voltage biasing an MATBG device near its superconducting phase transition. We observe complete destruction of the SC state upon absorption of a single infrared photon even in a 16–square micrometer device, showcasing exceptional sensitivity. Our work offers insights into the MATBG-photon interaction and demonstrates pathways to use moiré superconductors as an exciting platform for revolutionary quantum devices and sensors.
