未曾有の温暖化が地球の湖沼とその生態系を脅かす(Unprecedented Warming Threatens Earth’s Lakes and their Ecosystems)


2024-07-12 韓国基礎科学研究院(IBS)

湖は豊かな生物多様性と重要な生態系サービスを提供していますが、急速な温暖化が懸念されています。『Nature Geoscience』に掲載された最近の研究によれば、人為的な温暖化が続くと、21世紀末までに湖の表層と深層の温度がこれまでに経験したことのないほど上昇する可能性が高いとされています。この研究では、1850年から2100年までの湖の温度データを、最先端の気候モデルを用いてシミュレーションし、自然変動と人為的影響を分離しました。特に、熱帯の湖は早期に「前例のない」気候に直面する見込みです。これにより、生態系への深刻な影響が予想され、湖の適応や気候対策が重要とされています。


自然の温度変動を超える湖沼状態の出現 Emergence of lake conditions that exceed natural temperature variability

Lei Huang,R. Iestyn Woolway,Axel Timmermann,Sun-Seon Lee,Keith B. Rodgers & Ryohei Yamaguchi
Nature Geoscience  Published:12 July 2024

未曾有の温暖化が地球の湖沼とその生態系を脅かす(Unprecedented Warming Threatens Earth’s Lakes and their Ecosystems)


Lake surface temperatures are projected to increase under climate change, which could trigger shifts in the future distribution of thermally sensitive aquatic species. Of particular concern for lake ecosystems are when temperatures increase outside the range of natural variability, without analogue either today or in the past. However, our knowledge of when such no-analogue conditions will appear remains uncertain. Here, using daily outputs from a large ensemble of SSP3-7.0 Earth system model projections, we show that these conditions will emerge at the surface of many northern lakes under a global warming of 4.0 °C above pre-industrial conditions. No-analogue conditions will occur sooner, under 2.4 °C of warming, at lower latitudes, primarily due to a weaker range of natural variability, which increases the likelihood of the upper natural limit of lake temperature being exceeded. Similar patterns are also projected in subsurface water, with no-analogue conditions occurring first at low latitudes and occurring last, if at all, at higher latitudes. Our study suggests that global warming will induce changes across the water column, particularly at low latitudes, leading to the emergence of unparalleled climates with no modern counterparts, probably affecting their habitability and leading to rearrangements of freshwater habitats this century.
