実用性と地域社会の支持の両方を考慮し、原子力に転換すべき石炭発電所をピンポイントで特定(Pinpointing coal plants to convert to nuclear energy, considering both practicality and community support)


2024-07-09 ミシガン大学

ミシガン大学の研究者による新しい評価で、米国の245の稼働中の石炭火力発電所を先進的な原子力発電所に転換する可能性が示されました。インディアナ州のR M Schahfer石炭発電所とAES Petersburg発電所が最も有望と評価されました。石炭発電所が多くのCO2を排出している中、原子力発電はゼロ炭素排出で安定した基礎電力を供給できます。既存の設備を利用することで時間とコストを削減でき、地域社会の雇用と税基盤を維持できます。地域のエネルギー価格や核政策が適地選定に影響し、この研究は政策立案者と公益事業者に貴重な洞察を提供します。


米国における石炭から原子力へのエネルギー転換候補地の調査 Investigation of potential sites for coal-to-nuclear energy transitions in the United States

Muhammad R. Abdussami, Kevin Daley, Gabrielle Hoelzle, Aditi Verma
Energy Reports  Available online: 18 May 2024

実用性と地域社会の支持の両方を考慮し、原子力に転換すべき石炭発電所をピンポイントで特定(Pinpointing coal plants to convert to nuclear energy, considering both practicality and community support)


To achieve deep decarbonization in the U.S., the rapid deployment of clean energy resources is crucial. Coal Power Plants (CPPs), a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, are being phased out in many countries, including the U.S. As part of this transition, there is a need to repurpose retired CPPs to alternative clean sources, — one possibility is nuclear energy. This study systematically evaluates the potential for Coal-to-Nuclear (C2N) energy transitions in the U.S using the Siting Tool for Advanced Nuclear Development (STAND). Through an extensive analysis of 245 operational CPPs in the U.S., categorized into two groups based on their nameplate capacity, a comprehensive siting assessment has been provided in this paper. The findings reveal a varied feasibility landscape: for smaller sites (Group-01), the most suitable CPP, “R M Schahfer” in Indiana, scored an overall feasibility objective function value of 84.31, while “SIUC” in Illinois was the least suitable at 51.52. For larger sites (Group-02), feasibility scores ranged from 47.29 at “New Madrid” in Missouri to 76.62 at “AES Petersburg” in Indiana. Safety, socioeconomic factors, and proximity attributes are significant determinants in feasibility scoring. The diversity in nuclear restrictions and energy prices across sites significantly influenced their suitability for nuclear deployment. The study also highlights the importance of regional attributes. It provides a targeted approach for policymakers, utilities, and energy modelers in prioritizing C2N transitions, marking a critical step toward the United States’ deep decarbonization goals.
