フォトニックチップ上のレーザーを小型化(Miniaturizing a laser on a photonic chip)


2024-06-13 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)

◆EPFLのDr. Yang LiuとProfessor Tobias Kippenberg率いる研究チームは、チップスケールでエルビウムドープ光導波路レーザーを開発しました。このレーザーは、広範な波長調整能力と高いコヒーレンスと安定性を持ち、従来のファイバーレーザーに匹敵する性能を持っています。研究結果はNature Photonicsに発表されました。


エルビウムベースの完全ハイブリッド集積レーザー A fully hybrid integrated erbium-based laser

Yang Liu,Zheru Qiu,Xinru Ji,Andrea Bancora,Grigory Lihachev,Johann Riemensberger,Rui Ning Wang,Andrey Voloshin & Tobias J. Kippenberg
Nature Photonics  Published:10 June 2024

フォトニックチップ上のレーザーを小型化(Miniaturizing a laser on a photonic chip)


Erbium-doped fibre lasers exhibit high coherence and low noise as required for fibre-optic sensing, gyroscopes, LiDAR and optical frequency metrology. Endowing erbium-based gain in photonic integrated circuits can provide a basis for miniaturizing low-noise fibre lasers to the chip-scale form factor and enable large-volume applications. Although major progress has been made on integrated lasers based on silicon photonics with III–V gain media, realizing low-noise integrated erbium-based lasers has, however, remained unachievable. Recent advances in photonic-integrated-circuit-based high-power erbium-doped amplifiers make a new class of rare-earth-ion-based lasers possible. Here we demonstrate a fully integrated erbium laser that achieves 50 Hz intrinsic linewidth, high output power up to 17 mW, low intensity noise and integration of a III–V pump laser, approaching the performance of fibre lasers and state-of-the-art semiconductor extended-cavity lasers. The laser circuit is based on an erbium-ion-implanted ultralow-loss silicon nitride photonic integrated circuit, with an intracavity microring-based Vernier filter that enables >40 nm wavelength tunability within the optical C and L bands and attains a 70 dB side-mode suppression ratio. This new class of low-noise, tunable integrated laser could find applications in LiDAR, microwave photonics, optical frequency synthesis and free-space communications, with wavelength extendibility using different rare-earth ion species.
