自動リンゴ摘み取り用ロボットグリッパーを開発(Robotic gripper for automated apple picking developed)


2024-06-12 ワシントン州立大学(WSU)

自動リンゴ摘み取り用ロボットグリッパーを開発(Robotic gripper for automated apple picking developed)

ワシントン州立大学の研究者が開発したロボットグリッパーは、りんごを傷つけずに木から摘み取ることができます。このグリッパーは、労働力不足に悩むワシントン州の農家を支援することを目的としています。IEEE 7th International Conference on Soft Roboticsで発表されたこの技術は、3本のケーブルで動く3Dプリントされたプラスチックとシリコンゴムの指を使用し、87.5%以上の成功率でりんごを摘み取ります。約30ドルのコストで製造され、オンボードカメラや回転機能を追加予定です。


軽量ソフト電動リンゴ収穫グリッパーの設計と評価 Design and Evaluation of a Lightweight Soft Electrical Apple Harvesting Gripper

Chris Ninatanta; Ryan Cole; Ian Wells; Ariel Ramos; Justin …
IEEE 7th International Conference on Soft Robotics  Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 13 May 2024


To address apple harvesting labor shortages in Washington State, we are developing an innovative soft growing manipulator that aims to overcome the current limitations associated with conventional robotic solutions, specifically in terms of cost-effectiveness and efficiency. A critical aspect of this technology is the creation of a lightweight apple harvesting end-effector, weighing less than 0.8 kg, to account for the stringent payload restrictions of our custom soft growing manipulator. This paper presents the design of a lightweight cable-driven soft gripper, offers insights into its force characteristics, and provides a case study showcasing its effectiveness in a commercial orchard setting. The gripper’s weight is 0.306 kg, and it boasts a successful detachment rate of 87.5% without damaging the fruit. In the future, our work will extend to further enhance the soft gripper by incorporating a twisting motion. It will also be seamlessly integrated with the soft growing manipulator and custom machine vision system, which will subsequently undergo evaluation in a commercial orchard.
