新しい技術で月面の地図がより正確に(New technique from Brown University researchers offers more precise maps of the Moon’s surface)


2024-05-29 ブラウン大学

ブラウン大学の研究により、月の表面マッピングが効率的かつ正確に行える新技術が開発されました。この研究は「Planetary Science Journal」に掲載され、shape-from-shading技術の改良について述べています。この技術は光の当たり方を解析して三次元形状を推定し、クレーターや尾根などを詳細にモデル化します。研究者たちは高度なアルゴリズムを用いてプロセスを自動化し、解像度を向上させました。これにより、着陸地点の特定や科学的探査が容易になり、精度はサブメートル単位に向上しました。この技術はNASAの月探査データを利用しており、今後の月面探査に貢献することが期待されています。


LOLAおよびLROC NACデジタル標高モデルの陰影による形状精密解析: 今後の人間とロボットによる月探査への応用 Shape-from-shading Refinement of LOLA and LROC NAC Digital Elevation Models: Applications to Upcoming Human and Robotic Exploration of the Moon

Benjamin D. Boatwright and James W. Head
The Planetary Science Journal  Published: 2024 May 28

新しい技術で月面の地図がより正確に(New technique from Brown University researchers offers more precise maps of the Moon’s surface)


The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has returned a wealth of remotely sensed data of the Moon over the past 15 years. As preparations are under way to return humans to the lunar surface with the Artemis campaign, LRO data have become a cornerstone for the characterization of potential sites of scientific and exploration interest on the Moon’s surface. One critical aspect of landing site selection is knowledge of topography, slope, and surface hazards. Digital elevation models derived from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) instruments can provide this information at scales of meters to decameters. Shape-from-shading (SfS), or photoclinometry, is a technique for independently deriving surface height information by correlating surface reflectance with incidence angle and can theoretically approach an effective resolution equivalent to the input images themselves, typically better than 1 m per pixel with the LROC Narrow Angle Camera (NAC). We present a high-level, semiautomated pipeline that utilizes preexisting Ames Stereo Pipeline tools along with image alignment and parallel processing routines to generate SfS-refined digital elevation models using LRO data. In addition to the present focus on the lunar south pole with Artemis, we also demonstrate the usefulness of SfS for characterizing meter-scale lunar topography at lower equatorial latitudes.
